Topic: Merry Christmas from the Early Ford V-8 Club 2021

efv8CofAAdmin    -- 12-21-2021 @ 12:16 PM
  On behalf of the web site staff, this years National President and the Board of Directors of the Early Ford V-8 Club.....we would like to wish you and yours the most joyous Christmas season and all the best for the New Year.
We started to resume our activities this year and we hope that they can continue.
We certainly appreciate your time to assist and answer questions on our V-8 Forum. We appreciate your sharing of knowledge and expertise. Thank you.
There are two National Meets scheduled for 2022. And there are two National Driving Tours scheduled. Check out Upcoming Events from the main menu to the left. It is always a good idea to check Upcoming Events periodically for National and Regional events.

We also have good news! The V-8 TIMES is now available digitally to current members, so if your postal person decides to read it before delivering it to you, you can view and read the digital version about 2 weeks before it really does arrive by mail.

And thinking ahead, don't forget the 3rd Saturday of June (the 18th this coming year) is National Drive Your V-8 Day. Do what you can and be safe, but try and get out and enjoy. Don't forget to take a picture or two for the V-8 TIMES.

Safe journeys during this time of year. Please remain safe and follow those guidelines, as we want to see you when we are out and about.

Starting January 1, Happy 75th Anniversary to the 1947 Ford Motor Company vehicles.

Web Administrator

MG    -- 12-21-2021 @ 12:20 PM
  Merry Christmas to you as well, Mr. Web Administrator Guy. And, thanks for all you do here....

efv8CofAAdmin    -- 12-22-2021 @ 4:36 AM
  back to the top

Web Administrator

TomO    -- 12-22-2021 @ 8:22 AM
  Merry Christmas to all of the friends, that I have made on this Forum over the years.

Thank you Bruce for all that you do to keep this a very friendly Forum and for making it easy for us to communicate about our cars and their problems.

Stay healthy and enjoy the activities planned for 2022


efv8CofAAdmin    -- 12-23-2021 @ 7:19 AM
  Thanks for the wonderful comments!

We do what we can, and love what we do!

Web Administrator

efv8CofAAdmin    -- 12-24-2021 @ 6:36 AM
  Back to the top ----

Merry Christmas!!

Web Administrator

zeke3    -- 12-24-2021 @ 2:33 PM
  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you also and thanks for all your efforts throughout the year to make this forum so user friendly and helpful.

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