Topic: Help needed - Do I have gasoline or kerosene

Drbrown    -- 12-16-2021 @ 8:53 AM
  Have 5 gal container of either Gasoline or Kerosene in blue plastic container labeled made for gasoline, rather than the red containers marked for Kerosene. Yes, its probably a few years old and even if treated Gas not usable. Age dims the memory but I think I bought it as gasoline for my portable emergency generator. My days working service stations long gone and can't tell by smell. Nor do I want to experiment by pouring some on concrete drive and lighting it. From my college labs I understand that like common fuel oil, kerosene needs a "wick" material to burn.

Kerosene holds up better that gas and if its that I save it for my Kerosene lamps. Sometimes operators of diesel earth working machines have taken Kerosene from me (for free) to mix with their diesel fuel.

I see test kits for testing gasoline for freshness. Would that confirm if I have Gas ?

nelsb01    -- 12-16-2021 @ 11:52 AM
  I hope this helps.
Using our friend GOOGLE, it says that kerosene is supposed to be stored in blue containers.

Also, gas smells like gas and kerosene has a very different smell. Also, kerosene has a more oily feel and is supposed to be clear --- as having no color.

Also, the evaporation rate of kerosene is much slower than gas.

Again, hope this helps.

37RAGTOPMAN    -- 12-16-2021 @ 1:33 PM
  I think I would dispose of it , instead of taking chances,
either way it is not worth anything, being years old,
maybe your local transfer station will dispose of it,for you,
or tell you what exactly you have,
my 2 cents 37Ragtopman

marko39    -- 12-17-2021 @ 5:46 AM
  What I do with old gas or kero is mix it with fresh gas and use it in the lawn mower. Seems to run fine even with old chain saw gas.

TomO    -- 12-17-2021 @ 7:24 AM
  If you can't tell what you have by smelling it, then it is probably long past its useful life. Take it to a service facility that accepts old oil and see if they will take it. If they cannot accept it most of them will give you a reference of where to take it. A local EPA facility usually has a list of facilities that will accept hazardous waste.


sarahcecelia    -- 12-17-2021 @ 5:32 PM
  Gas that is 2 years old is NO GOOD! If you use it in a motor that uses gas; you'll have big problems; and aside from that gasoline loses about 1 or 2 octane ratings a month. THROW IT OUT!!

Regards, Steve Lee

Drbrown    -- 12-18-2021 @ 6:31 AM
  Thanks all. You right re disposal. I hesitated given the current price of gas.

marko39    -- 12-19-2021 @ 5:54 AM
  Should be ok for parts cleaner.

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