Topic: 1940 Ford "Standard" vs. "Deluxe"

FLTHDCPE    -- 11-12-2021 @ 1:32 PM
  Another "Forum" that I subscribe to recently asked the question of 40' Ford owners, which Model do you prefer, "Standard" or "Deluxe" ? I own a "Standard, but like both. This prompted me to ask the question on this Forum of Ford experts, Who gets credit for using or starting the word "Standard" when referring to the "Lower priced 40' Ford" I understand that "Henry" did not like the word to be used in reference to any of his products , particular his automobiles. If you have had the opportunity to view the retake of the 1940 add introducing the 1940 Ford you'll see two nicely dressed ladies drive up in the "New 1940 Ford Deluxe" They show the new features that have been added for your comfort & safety ( column shift, hydraulic breaks, sealed beam headlights), etc. They drive away and two ladies drive up in the "New 1940 Ford V-8" not a "Standard", sometimes referred to as the "Lower Priced Deluxe" version. We (40' Ford owners) all use it, but apparently "Henry didn't like it. I think that it started in 1938 and went until the introduction of the "Super Deluxe" in 1941. ? What is your take.?

Thank You.!

kubes40    -- 11-12-2021 @ 1:49 PM
I can only speak with some authority to the '39 and '40 models. In 1939, Ford did in fact openly and publicly refer to the lower price model as a "standard". In 1940, dealers were advised (ordered) to STOP using that term and to call the lower priced models "The Ford V8".

Mike "Kube" Kubarth

FLTHDCPE    -- 11-12-2021 @ 2:08 PM
  "kubes40" Appreciate your reply. This is the kind of info that I was looking for and I respect your "authority" on the subject.!!

Thank You.!

42wagon    -- 11-13-2021 @ 4:07 AM
  Well, if Henry didn't like the term "Standard" he took a long time letting it be known. For the Model A there were Standard and Deluxe Models and that carried through the V-8s up until 1940. More likely it was his advertising department who decided that they needed to freshen up the name. The Standard became the Deluxe and the Deluxe became the Super Deluxe. At least in 42 there also was a low priced Ford called a Special.

kubes40    -- 11-13-2021 @ 4:59 AM
  42wagon, I no longer recall what department decided "standard" was not in Ford's best interest. I did (do) have an internal document that was sent to all dealers in 1939 directing them to NOT utilize that term any longer.
No doubt it had to do with advertising / sales positioning. Did Henry have anything to do with it? We'll never know. I would tend to believe this type of decision was left in the hands of someone else.

Mike "Kube" Kubarth

40 Coupe    -- 11-13-2021 @ 5:09 AM
  It is apparent, for 1940, Ford SALES Dept. wanted to sell "Ford V-8" and "Deluxe Ford V-8" For 1939 Ford SALES used the identical terms to refer to their two lines.
Here is the dichotomy, the Chassis Parts Books from Ford covering 38-39-40 -41 parts. all list the lines as "Standard" and "Deluxe". So there are two different departments within the same company referencing their line with two different names.
I am not aware of any published information, from Ford, asking dealers or salesmen to refrain from the reference to "Standard"
IMO the use of either term for the line would be correct.

This message was edited by 40 Coupe on 11-13-21 @ 5:17 AM

kubes40    -- 11-13-2021 @ 12:27 PM
In 1939, Ford truly did term the lower price line as the "Standard".

Parts books do not always coincide with the terminology used in sales. You'd brought forth an example of that.

Parts books were not meant to become public domain while sales catalogs, brochures, etc. were.

While you are certainly entitled to your opinion, in this particular case, there are documents that clearly indicate your opinion to be incorrect.
This is akin to folks calling their business coupe an opera coupe. Heck, it's their car and they can call it a widget for all I care. They would be equally incorrect to call it an opera coupe or a widget.

Mike "Kube" Kubarth

40 Coupe    -- 11-14-2021 @ 6:06 AM
  Below is a scan of the Ford Reference Manual page 3 (typically called the salesman's handbook ) for both 1939 and 1940. Neither book has any reference to a "Standard", on any page of either book. If, as you believe, Ford referenced, for sales, Ford V-8 Cars as Standards in 1939 I do not see it.
Typically the sales and the parts departments are in the same building at a dealership. To have the Salesmen and the parts dealers reference the identical line of car with two different names could lead to the name Standard being accepted.
I do agree that it appears Ford wanted their 1940 low priced car named "Ford V-8 Cars" and would want that description in any aspect of sales including advertisement.

kubes40    -- 11-14-2021 @ 6:41 AM
  40coupe, You continue to refer to "what I believe". This has little to do with what I believe and everything to do with what I'd found through quite literally years of research.
I've made the fruits of my research available to those that chose to access it.
Whether or not you care to believe it, well, that's up to you of course.
A guy can lead a horse to water....

Mike "Kube" Kubarth

42merc    -- 11-14-2021 @ 4:22 PM
  Just for grins, on this sites index go to Ford information, then to vehicle codes, click on 1940.
Looks like the Club site still talks Standard & Deluxe.

This message was edited by 42merc on 11-14-21 @ 4:27 PM

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