Topic: Second day of Hershey 2021

efv8CofAAdmin    -- 10-06-2021 @ 2:36 PM
  Day started with mist, so was concerned about the rest of the day.
Got the booth set up under the awning at Carpenters.
Booths opened up and there were people walking, but not the same as past years. Still spaces open.
Lots of golf carts and scooters -- we must be getting lazy (ahaha).
Covered the rest of the north Chocolate field and part of the Red field. Found an item or two.
Spent the last 3 hours of the day at the booth.
Chatted with many members. Signed up one new member and took renewals from 9 others.
We have the new 1940 Ford Book for sale, so if you are reading this and want a copy, stop by and we will be glad to have you fill out the order form.
One member that stopped by even reminded me of the 19 1/2 hour 2015 Central National Meet at Brainerd MN.
Moved the tables out from the awning , as the day remained cloudy but comfortable.

For those that are unable to attend, we hope this does not make you jealous, but gives you hope for attending in the future.

Web Administrator

alexthecarguy    -- 10-06-2021 @ 8:22 PM
  Have you managed to capture some photos?

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