Topic: Thanks Super

32hoke    -- 07-07-2010 @ 12:01 PM
  Super, thanks for you suggestions on how to adjust the brakes on the '36. You were correct in that it did take several trips under the car and down the driveway to check out my work. After yesterdays session I think I have the brakes about where I want them. Thanks to the EFV-8 site for the forum.

supereal    -- 07-07-2010 @ 1:20 PM
  You are welcome. Mechanical brakes, in good condition and properly adjusted, will function almost as well as hydraulics. Henry used to brag about his brakes, saying "All steel, wheel to wheel". If it hadn't been for the difficulty of keeping the later '37-'38 cable systems maintained and adjusted, I suspect the non-hydraulic brakes would have continued into the 40's.

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