Topic: brake adjustment

32hoke    -- 07-01-2010 @ 6:04 AM
  The brakes on our '36 are stock except that I have added the floaters. I recently had all the drums turned and added new linings of woven material. My problem is that when I try to adjust the brakes I have a hard time getting the rear wheels adjusted so they don't grab and slide when I apply the brakes. When I back off just a little then I lose a lot of stopping ability. I'd appreciate some suggestions on the best way to adjust for best stopping ability. Thanks for your help.

supereal    -- 07-01-2010 @ 11:28 AM
  I described the procedure in detail some time ago. Check the old posts to get it. The trick is to get the rods adjusted properly in relation to the cross shaft.

32hoke    -- 07-01-2010 @ 2:01 PM
  Thanks Super. I've seen some good advise from you on this site several times. Any idea when that post was made? I'd like to see it. Thanks

32hoke    -- 07-01-2010 @ 2:22 PM
  Super, thanks again. I scrolled back to June 2 and found your posting. I'll do that and see what happens. Thanks again.

supereal    -- 07-02-2010 @ 10:05 AM
  Proper adjustment usually takes a lot of time, and multiple adjustments. If you still have problems, be sure the main shaft bushings are not loose, and the pins and clevises are in good shape. The geometry of the system will magnify any "slop". Also, be sure the brake wedges are not badly worn on the sides that push the shoes.

32hoke    -- 07-02-2010 @ 1:08 PM
  Super, if I can get the adjustment done today/tomorrow I'll drive the car to church this Sunday, if the rain will stop, and give a report. Right now we are getting LOTS of rain from the storm in the Gulf of Mexico. We're just north of Houston and can't get the car outside now--cabriolet.

supereal    -- 07-03-2010 @ 8:33 AM
  I understand that. Here, in Iowa, we had rain for 27 of the 30 days of June, so verly little "cruising" was done!

supereal    -- 07-03-2010 @ 8:33 AM
  I understand that. Here, in Iowa, we had rain for 27 of the 30 days of June, so very little "cruising" was done!

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