Topic: head installation question

oatycorb    -- 04-14-2021 @ 7:54 AM
  When installing the drivers side head on a 59ab engine, how do you more experienced guys properly torque down the head nuts that retain the oil filter bracket? Namely, the upper two and the one nut that ends up underneath the bracket when installed? To achieve proper torque the torque wrench has to be parallel to the fastener, which is impossible on these particular head nuts due to the design of the oil filter bracket. The only solution I could come up with is using a crows foot wrench (with a corresponding adjustment in torque wrench setting) but I'm not entirely confident that a crows foot wrench will withstand 60 ft. lbs. of torque without rounding the edges of the nut. Any advice on this is very much appreciated, thanks!

nelsb01    -- 04-14-2021 @ 8:46 AM
  As a member with a 8BA engine, I too encounter the problem.
My solution, although not scientific, was to do the torque sequence as much as I could, and then test the tightness of the non-oil canister bolts with a good quality standard wrench and then try and match the tightness with the bolts under the canister.
As I said, not scientific, but I have had no problems for the past 25 years.

I am sure others have different approaches.

oatycorb    -- 04-14-2021 @ 4:06 PM
  Thanks for the info, I've considered doing that and still might if there's no more accurate way of going about it. I'm going to talk to my local Matco tool guy tomorrow to see if he has anything that might make this job easier. Stay tuned.

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