Topic: Merry Christmas from the Early Ford V-8 Club 2020

efv8CofAAdmin    -- 12-19-2020 @ 8:26 AM
  On behalf of the web site staff, this years National President and the Board of Directors of the Early Ford V-8 Club.....we would like to wish you and yours the most joyous Christmas season and all the best for the New Year.
While it has not been the best of years, we certainly appreciate your time to assist and answer questions on our V-8 Forum. We appreciate your sharing of knowledge and expertise. Thank you.
There are no National Meets scheduled for 2021. There currently are no National Driving Tours scheduled.

But we do have good news! The long awaited printing of the new 1940 Ford Book is in the works. We can not say enough about the work that Michael Kubarth has done. Thank you Michael!! The book should be available sometime in late January. Watch for the announcement here, on this web site.

And also watch for the announcement of the first Early Ford V-8 Club Virtual Car Show. Something that you can do with your Early Ford, Mercury or Lincoln. Information will be in the V-8 TIMES.

And thinking ahead, don't forget the 3rd Saturday of June (the 19th this coming year) is National Drive Your V-8 Day. Do what you can and be safe, but try and get out and enjoy. Don't forget to take a picture or two for the V-8 TIMES.

Safe journeys during this time of year. Please remain safe and follow those guidelines, as we want to see you all when this pandemic is over.

Web Administrator

MG    -- 12-19-2020 @ 9:28 AM
  Thank You! The same to you as well....

3w2    -- 12-19-2020 @ 12:29 PM

You've done an outstanding job as Club President during a year without precedent in terms of its challenges. It has been a pleasure and a privilege to work with you.

Thank you.

Dave Rehor

TomO    -- 12-19-2020 @ 8:11 PM
  Bruce, Merry Christmas to you and thanks for all the years that you have devoted to serving the Club. You have contributed so much time to make belonging to to the Club fun.

I want to give you special thanks for keeping the Forum working and a nice place to communicate with other Ford owners.


Don Rogers    -- 12-20-2020 @ 10:30 AM
  Merry Christmas to you also Bruce. You did a fine job this year as our President!!!

JM    -- 12-20-2020 @ 10:49 AM
  Thank you Bruce, and I second all of the above comments.
I've certainly missed not having our National Meets this year and not getting to see all my V8ing friends, but in retrospect the club did the right thing to cancel them.


This message was edited by JM on 12-20-20 @ 9:46 PM

Lou46    -- 12-20-2020 @ 2:15 PM
  Merry Christmas and a Healthy, Happy New Year to one and all!!

efv8CofAAdmin    -- 12-22-2020 @ 5:38 AM
It certainly is my pleasure to work for all. I really enjoy the friendships and participation of the members. Thanks for the comments. They are appreciated.

Here's to everyone's safety. Enjoy what you can, but most of all be safe.

Thanks again.

Web Administrator

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