Topic: Verify the year of my hubcaps

CDemarest    -- 08-17-2020 @ 4:34 PM
  I have three hubcaps that came with my '36 pickup many years ago. Can anyone verify that they are for a '36? I'm looking for the fourth one to match if anyone knows a source. Thanks, Charlie Demarest

This message was edited by CDemarest on 8-17-20 @ 4:35 PM

cliftford    -- 08-17-2020 @ 7:55 PM
  I'm no expert but they look like 36s to me

nelsb01    -- 08-17-2020 @ 9:10 PM
  Not 1936 nor 1937


You can find this information on this web site-- main page, left menu, Ford Information, Grille Drawings

CDemarest    -- 08-19-2020 @ 10:51 AM
  Thanks for directing me to the grille drawings. That helps clear this up.

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