Topic: Starting Woes

pauls36fordor    -- 04-27-2020 @ 7:21 AM
  Every year when I put away my 36 Ford for the winter I drain the old oil and put in new, fill the gas tank all the way to the brim with non-ethanol gasoline, and put a battery tender on it so the battery stays charged. Then come spring I unhook the battery tender and she starts right up after a few cranks. I haven't started her for 7 months which is a couple months longer than usual since car shows have been shut down. But I wanted to drive her around the neighborhood because I'm itching to have fun with her.
I did my usual, unhooked the battery tender but this time she just cranked and cranked and wouldn't start. I poured some starting fluid down the carburetor and then she started up immediately but wouldn't stay running more than a few seconds. I did this repeatedly 6 or 8 more times with the same results. I have done nothing to her over the winter except replace the temperature gauge which would have no impact on fuel or electrical systems. Any ideas what could be the problem? The only thing I can think of is perhaps the fuel pump. I can't believe the fuel pump would be fine when I put her away and go bad while she hibernated over the winter. So before I tore into that, I thought I'd get some advice.Thanks for your comments.

1931 Flamingo    -- 04-27-2020 @ 7:27 AM
  Disconnect the gas line to the carb, crank it over, are you getting fuel??
Paul in CT

carcrazy    -- 04-27-2020 @ 12:15 PM
  If no fuel comes out of the line when the engine is cranked, the fuel pump is probably broken. The easiest course of action is to replace the pump with a new or rebuilt one. There is a chance that one of the valves in the pump has popped out and needs to be put back into position and staked in place. If the diaphragm in the pump has ruptured it will need to be replaced with a new one. Make sure you have enough gasoline in the fuel tank!

kirkstad    -- 04-27-2020 @ 12:57 PM
  Paul, I have to crank my 36 a long time before it starts after sitting all winter. They say It should take a max of 20 to 30 seconds to draw fuel to carb. but mine always seems to take longer.After that first start I have no problems the rest of the season. When yours starts immediately when giving it fuel,seems to indicate that fuel is not getting to carb. Check all the connections on the suction side of the fuel pump,the flex line,or also if you have an after market filter.If you have a stock style fuel pump,check filter screen and make sure cap is tight.Make sure that the gas cap is vented also.This year I removed the fuel line at my carburetor and secured it to a jar. I removed all my plugs and with the ignition off, I was able to pull fuel within a few seconds.
All the Best

ford38v8    -- 04-27-2020 @ 2:17 PM
  Paul, Carbs and fuel pumps may experience sticky valves caused by a drying out of modern fuel over the winter. Determine which by disconnecting the fuel line to carb, directing it into a container while cranking the engine with ignition off. It may be a simple fix to just clean the sticky valve.


pauls36fordor    -- 04-27-2020 @ 2:19 PM
  thanks everyone. You all seem to be thinking along the lines of what I'm thinking. Fuel pump may need replacing. But before I do that I will do what Flamingo suggested. Easy test and I would know for sure if gas is getting to the carb. If it isn't I'll replace the fuel pump. If it is I'll try cranking longer like Frank suggests. Thanks everyone.

therunwaybehind    -- 04-28-2020 @ 9:53 AM
  Also look at the vent in the fule filler cap that it doesn't have a insect or nest or goop of some sort.

37RAGTOPMAN    -- 04-28-2020 @ 10:24 AM
  hi Paul
how old is the fuel line from front to rear, does it have any fuel filters installed in it,?
did you ever disconnect front and rear and blow it out, ?
does it have the correct fuel cap installed ?
how old is the flex line from the fuel line to fuel pump,? maybe when you installed the temp sender you touched the flex line causing the problem ?
picking at straws, but is probably a simple problem
was the fuel pump ever rebuilt ? with modern parts for modern gas,?
maybe over time it has gone south ? sitting for months at a time
let hear how you made out, 37Ragtopman

if you prime it , it does start,and only runs for a few seconds, tells me you have a problem picking up the fuel from the gas tank,
lets hear how you made out,

Gordon T    -- 04-28-2020 @ 1:08 PM
  All the helpful suggestions on this site, pretty nice!!

pauls36fordor    -- 04-28-2020 @ 2:57 PM
  Yes I am very appreciative to all the advice and suggestions and I'm going to try them out this weekend. I'll let you all know what I find out. Thanks All!

pauls36fordor    -- 05-04-2020 @ 8:12 AM
  Thanks everyone for your advice and feedback. I did as you suggested, pulled the fuel line from pump to carb and as suspected no fuel flowing. So i replaced the fuel pump and with a couple of pumps on the gas pedal she started right up. Then I let it run for 30 minutes just to get the oil flowing as it was raining outside and my wipers do not work (next project).
Interestingly the next morning i went out to start her to drive around the neighborhood (rained had stopped) and when I pushed the starter button nothing but silence. Weird since the day before I had very strong crank power. I put it on the battery tender and got a yellow light and it stayed that way all day. This morning went i left for work i saw the light on the tender was green. So hopefully the battery is fully charged. But a mystery nonetheless.
Thanks again for the feedback. I love Ford Forum.

1931 Flamingo    -- 05-04-2020 @ 12:09 PM
  I recently had a similar problem, got in pushed the button, nothing. Jumped from the batt ground to the sol, turned over. Replaced the push button, magic. Luckily I had a new pushbutton.
Paul in CT

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