Topic: Run Both 6V and 12V Regulators?

lokiufgator    -- 10-23-2019 @ 11:06 AM
  So I know from testing the Gen on the '50 Ford Custom I just got that jumpering the field and output terminals produced 22V at just off idle. If my 6V regulator opens and closes to maintain a constant voltage to recharge the battery and run the stock electronics of the car is it possible to also feed a second regulator off the generator that would supply 12V to be able to run a modern radio? Even if it only produced a low output current to keep a 12V motorcycle battery charged, on an entirely separate closed electrical sytesm, that would be more than enough fpr a head unit and 4 speakers. Or would the field wire off the 6V regulator stop the generator from producing up to the 12V range when running?

cliftford    -- 10-23-2019 @ 7:14 PM
  I believe your last statement is correct. If you remove the field wire from the reg. the generator will not produce current.

fenbach    -- 10-23-2019 @ 9:09 PM
  you might see if the radio will work on 6 volts, negative ground. I was quite surprised to discover that my GPS does. some [many?] modern electronic devices operate on 5 volts DC. first thing the circuit does is reduce the incoming voltage to 5. just be sure the ground to the radio [or whatever] is negative.
you can also buy a boost converter [on amazon] for $10 or so. it "boosts" 6 volts to 12. just be sure it has sufficient amperage for the radio. also good for running 12 volt LED tail lights.

GK1918    -- 10-24-2019 @ 5:30 AM
  Back when I worked for my uncles bus co. Lots of coaches were 12vt positive ground. The big craze then was a CB and a FM radios. You would be
surprised or impressed how long a garden tractor 12vt battery will last
with these low current draw stereos and scanners . So we all have to charge
our phones daily and other gadgets right. So my super deluxe has a 12vt
little lawnmower batt. in the trunk >>negative batt. terminal goes to body
ground (in the trunk) and I ran a single positve wire to the dash for these
12vt neg accessories. My car is 6vt pos ground both & 6vt and 12vt systems
are isolated and either system don't care about each other. These small
battery's will last for weeks with out a charge v/s daily phone charging.
So thats my quick way out. Maybe a motor cycle battery will also work.

fenbach    -- 10-24-2019 @ 7:46 PM
  I use the cig lighter plug on a jumper pack. It has its own charger just charge it now and then. Good to have in the car anyway if you need to jump start. And it has an air compressor.

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