Topic: Three Brush Generator

Dream38v8    -- 08-02-2019 @ 9:09 AM
  I've installed a Fun Project positive ground 6v VR. I went to adjust the third brush as directed in their instructions. I can not locate the nut to loosen the third brush. My Ford is a '38 Deluxe Sedan (85hp) model. Do all generators having a nut to loosen the third brush on the generator. If this brush can not be adjusted what do I do? Thanks, Ray


kirkstad    -- 08-02-2019 @ 10:37 AM
  I recently did the same thing with my 36 coupe three brush generator.The third brush on mine will move when you apply a
moderate amount of pressure in ether direction to it, It's hard to move with just finger pressure so I used a small nylon trim removal tool .The instructions does say loosen third brush nut, (if equipped). I would think the 38 would be the same. My unit works great buy the way, just a bit of a nuisance to get adjusted just right.

37RAGTOPMAN    -- 08-02-2019 @ 11:07 AM
  it takes some pressure to move the third brush,
make sure you have the correct brush to move,
also with the lights on it sure just be at 0 or just a hair above, for a rule of thumb,
this way it will not discharge at night,
you will have to adjust to your driving habits.
take a reading on you battery to see if it stays charged if not adjust higher,
the owners manual explains this,
hope this helps, 37Ragtopman

Dream38v8    -- 08-02-2019 @ 12:05 PM
  Thanks Ragtop and Frank. Not being an electrical kind of guy I used the car's amp meter. I am unsure as to where to connect the amp meter leads. Two reasons behind my request is my Optima battery (two years old) would not start the car the other day. I usually keep a charger on when the car isn't in use. I haven't charged the battery much this driving season. Most trips have been short daylight runs. Since the battery was low I put the charger back on. So long story short using the car's amp meter it appeared to operate as the VR instructions stated. No need to adjust the third brush. I should probably learn how to connect the amp meter so I can actually verify the reading. No eyeball.


kirkstad    -- 08-03-2019 @ 9:50 AM
  To ease in the adjustment of my third brush setting, I mounted a amp gauge on the back of my generator. You would attach one wire to the B terminal of the VR and attach other wire to batt. Be careful to never touch the A terminal on the VR!

Dream38v8    -- 08-05-2019 @ 8:30 AM
  No being an electrical guy I need to know which setting on my amp meter to us. See attached pic. I also could have the red lead connected into the incorrect meter connection.


MG    -- 08-05-2019 @ 8:39 AM
  I'd say use the DC 10AMP setting. However, I think you would be better off with an analog meter - a meter with a needle. Digital meters like the one you pictured are susceptible to interference from the high voltage ignition circuit....

Dream38v8    -- 08-05-2019 @ 9:01 AM
  Thanks. I also have an older analog meter. The third brush is set as far counterclockwise as possible. I attempted to move the brush with a nylon tool with no luck. It will not budge. It seems to be frozen or fastened with a nut, but I can not locate the nut. Any ideas? The VR instructions mention the third brush should be somewhere close to the middle for bust results.


MG    -- 08-05-2019 @ 9:24 AM
  Show us a picture of what you've got. You should be able to get in there and grab the brush with your forefinger and thumb to move it. Or, you might have to gently pry it. Once its free, massage the brush up and down for awhile until it moves more freely. Do these things with the engine turned off....

Dream38v8    -- 08-05-2019 @ 9:42 AM
  MG, here are two pics of the third brush. I hope this helps. I have used a moderate amount of force with no luck (nylon tool and screw driver).


MG    -- 08-05-2019 @ 10:28 AM
  Looks like you're on the wrong side of the generator. I always accessed the third brush from the left side of the generator - drivers side. The brush you are showing in the picture is one of the fixed brushes....The brush on the top as seen in your picture is the third brush - the moveable brush....

This message was edited by MG on 8-5-19 @ 10:36 AM

Dream38v8    -- 08-05-2019 @ 2:10 PM
  I was on the passenger's side when I removed the dust cover. Being a simple guy I never thought to go to the driver's side. I will be traveling for the next day. I'll checkout the driver's side of the generator when I return. Thanks to the forum for all your help and advise.



Dream38v8    -- 08-06-2019 @ 11:52 AM
  I am back at the house. Based on MG's last note I checked out the driver's side of the generator (see attached picture 133503.jpg). Both of the brushes on the driver's side pivot out from the armature, but do not rotate either clockwise or counter clockwise. Is there a 3 brush generator where the third brush can not be adjusted? I've owned the '38 for 4+ years and have no engine history. The other question is the third brush frozen inplace? Do I take the generator apart to determine why the third brush does not rotate?

Based on Fun Project's instructions / notes the correct setting, of the third brush, should be a little passed middle. If my third brush is the single brush on the passengers side (picture 123537.jpg) the brush is set well below middle. My guess would be the generator is not charging enough.


Dream38v8    -- 08-06-2019 @ 2:50 PM
  Wonders will never cease. Reading back through this post and searching other sites (Ford Barn) I was able to determine the adjustable 3rd brush is at the 2-3 o'clock position looking toward the engine from the front of the car. I still couldn't move the brush from this position. I went around to the passenger side and moved the 3rd brush from the back side. I've been able to adjust the brush a little more counter clockwise now. It now appears to be charging a little more. With lights on I ran the car and then shut off the lights, etc. The car's amp meter indicated approx. 14+ amps. It dropped down to 0 - 4 amps after a few seconds. According to Fun Projects the generator is adjusted correctly. The car is still 6V positive ground and I intend to keep it that way. Now if I knew how to use an amp meter I could obtain a more accurate reading. How do I set the amp meter and which lead goes to which battery terminal? The other lead goes to the "B" terminal on the VR. Thanks for listening and trying to educate a non electrical guy.


MG    -- 08-06-2019 @ 4:33 PM
  See this link with explanation and diagram >

kirkstad    -- 08-06-2019 @ 6:02 PM
  The other lead should go to the neg. battery terminal since the pos. terminal is your ground.

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