Topic: Double Postings-- corrected 3-26-2019

efv8CofAAdmin    -- 03-26-2019 @ 4:15 PM
  We would like to also announce that BigGiantMedia has determined what has been causing the double postings to occur on V-8 Forum, and made a correction.
Again, if the problem occurs, please let us know.

Web Administrator

trjford8    -- 03-26-2019 @ 5:32 PM
  Bruce thanks for your follow up on this issue.

efv8CofAAdmin    -- 03-27-2019 @ 5:57 AM
  Keeping it on the front page.

Web Administrator

efv8CofAAdmin    -- 03-28-2019 @ 5:31 AM
  Back to the top

Web Administrator

efv8CofAAdmin    -- 03-30-2019 @ 5:57 AM
  Back to the top

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