Topic: Photo Posting - Updated 3-26-2019

efv8CofAAdmin    -- 03-26-2019 @ 12:20 PM
  The web hosting company, BigGiantMedia, has been working hard to make changes and improvements to the Early Ford V-8 Club web site V-8 Forum. One of those changes has been to address the need to post more than one photo per discussion entry.
We would like to announce that this has been addressed and registered members can now post up to five photos with each V-8 Forum discussion entry.
Please note, so that all photo entries are of the same size and format, once you attach the photos to your discussion, it will take some time for the system to re-size and format the photos.
Let us know if you have any problems. We hope that you are pleased with the results.
(all photos from the Web Administrator's collection)

Web Administrator

This message was edited by efv8CofAAdmin on 3-26-19 @ 12:21 PM

Kens 36    -- 03-26-2019 @ 12:42 PM
  This is great news Bruce. Thanks to you and to John W.


3w2    -- 03-26-2019 @ 1:42 PM
  Well done! Thanks Bruce.

cliftford    -- 03-26-2019 @ 7:21 PM
  This is good news, but now I do not have access to the classifieds, does anyone else have this problem?

efv8CofAAdmin    -- 03-26-2019 @ 8:55 PM
  The first thing I would suggest is that you try and clear your cache. Your cache is all the temporary internet files that your system keeps track of.
Once that file gets full, it can affect your ability to view items on your pc.
You want to find the Tools name on your internet browser. There you should find a item to click on that will 'clear browser data' or 'clear temporary internet files'.

The bad part of doing this is that it will delete your 'cookies' and your "remembered" sign in credentials so you will have to sign in again for sites you now just click on to enter.

I would try that first. I know that I had this problem recently and the V-8 Forum format changed and also all photos in the discussions were huge and not displayed properly.

Web Administrator

This message was edited by efv8CofAAdmin on 3-26-19 @ 8:56 PM

cliftford    -- 03-27-2019 @ 5:05 AM
  Bruce: it's working now, thanks.

efv8CofAAdmin    -- 03-28-2019 @ 5:31 AM
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Web Administrator

TomO    -- 03-28-2019 @ 4:55 PM
  Bruce thanks for updating the Forum so it has features that everyone has been looking for.

Now the instructions for posting photo should be updated and pinned to the top of the General Ford Discussion or create a new classification with Forum Rules and Usage notes. This will help new users get up to speed quickly.


efv8CofAAdmin    -- 03-30-2019 @ 5:56 AM
  Back to the top.

Web Administrator

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