HD53    -- 03-22-2019 @ 4:36 PM
  Massachusetts RMV has come up with a plan to change the license plate numbering system on certain license plate types so that no two people have the same # do to many people getting parking tickets and easy pass bills for cars that they do not own,they want to make it so no two people have the same #, they said they are going to send out letters to certain holders of some plate types to revoke their plates and give them another set with a different #, a lot of us have #s on YOM and Antique plates that we do not want to give up, I urge all Ma.V8 owners to call your local State Rep or the Governors Office 617-725-4005 and state you do not want the RMV to change the license plate numbering system

JayChicago    -- 03-22-2019 @ 8:49 PM
  Somebody is going to have to give up the duplicated vanity plate number that should never have been issued in the first place. So it's OK if the other guy has to give up his/her number, just don't let it be you? RMV should designate YOM & Antique plate holders as, yet another, protected class?

No wonder government is so slow to act, afraid to act. No matter what they do, even an attempt to fix their own previous mistake, someone somewhere is not going to like it and will try to organize a protest.

This message was edited by JayChicago on 3-22-19 @ 9:27 PM

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