Topic: 1936 Ford Temperature gage totally red

gfstew    -- 12-28-2018 @ 1:44 PM
  On my 1936 Ford I installed a fan to cool the engine it running at 2700 CFM . I have it running for maybe 5 minutes and the stock Temperature Gauge is RED to the top . If I put a hand held Temperature Gage Gun it is showing 175 degrees to 181 degrees on were you place the dot on the engine. Why is the stock gauge showing red to the top . I pulled the sending bulb out of the block and it has some white color stuff caked at the bottom of the send why do I have 2 different readings

ford38v8    -- 12-28-2018 @ 2:01 PM
  Your hand held gauge is measuring surface temp, the Ford gauge is measuring water temp, apples and oranges. Does the Ford gauge read the same whether engine cold or hot? This is a very valuable and accurate instrument. If the liquid does move up and down the vial, remove it from the dash and engine, and test it in a pot of boiling water. There is a scribe line on the bulb at the boiling point 112ยบ F, to be lined up with the corresponding temp mark on the gauge as installed. The white residue can be cleaned off, as it may provide insulation you don;t want. If any large dents on the brass bulb, they may cause an inaccurate reading, but note the position of the liquid at the water boiling point in the pot.

If non functional at all, there are those who claim ability to repair them, but the correct liquid being no longer available, you pays your money and takes your chances.


fordv8j    -- 12-28-2018 @ 3:19 PM
  I had one rebuilt for our 38 conv.about 9 years ago,works great and fluid is still red, the repo I got for our coupe the fluid got clear pretty quick

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