Topic: Speedometer Cable

Steves46    -- 05-10-2010 @ 8:56 AM
  I recently replaced the speedometer cable on my 46 and have a question regarding the cable insertion into the speedometer; does the cable need to go all the way in or partial? The reason is that I can only get the screw cap at the end of the cable to turn maybe 2 turns on the speedometer connection.

supereal    -- 05-10-2010 @ 10:30 AM
  Try removing the cable from the driving gear on the torque tube, then inserting the top end into the speedometer head. If it then allows the cable nut to be tightened more fully, it is likely that the inner cable is a bit too long. If you have the old cable, you can compare it to the replacement. They should be identical if the sheath wasn't changed. If the replacement is a bit long, it can be shortened with a pair of sidecutters, but be sure the cut is clean, and any stragglers are removed before you put it back in the driving gear cover. The cable shouldn't force the driveshaft of the speedometer head, or it will promptly cause damage. We have found that replacement cables are often not the correct length. At one time, many shops could make them up, being sure they were the correct length. Now, you may have to fit it yourself. Remember to lubricate the new cable as you insert it into the sheath.

Aloha40dad    -- 05-10-2010 @ 12:38 PM
  My son and I recently got our 1940 coupe on the road and bought a speedometer cable from one of the v8 ford parts places that are usually very good. Can't remember which place it was, but the sheath nut that screws into the speedometer had an extra long area before the threads actually started. We ended up carefully filing that metal down to the beginning of the threads. We didn't have an intact old sheath, but had a broken one that had the speedo side still on it that we could compare to the replacement. Hope this helps.

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