Topic: 37 Sedan Delivery adjustable rear window

1937sedandelivery    -- 07-28-2018 @ 11:07 AM
I am looking for what seems to be a very rare option for my 37 Sedan Delivery.
In The Early Ford V8 As Henry Built It book, it states that an adjustable rear window was available as special equipment. I can't find anything on this, no pics, description, nothing.
Anyone out there that knows anything about this option?

p.s. As you can see in the attached pic, my poor doggie would love to have an openable rear window instead of closing it all up with the stock fixed window. (:

deluxe40    -- 07-28-2018 @ 11:41 AM
  Be careful how you route the exhaust. I had mine re-routed to dump out behind the wheels instead of under the bumper because fumes were coming in through the door seal. I also built a platform behind the seats so our little dog could look out the windshield as we drove.

1937sedandelivery    -- 07-28-2018 @ 11:45 AM
  Didn't think about that, might have to re-route the exhaust. It gets pretty stuffy inside as you know.

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