Topic: colors and finishes

giles    -- 07-27-2018 @ 6:14 AM
  I am doing a complete frame-up on a 49 2 dr sedan, and cant seem to find any info on the correct colors and finishes on the driveline, body, firewall, interior etc. I need to get this as close to day 1 as possible. I have the 49-51 restorers guide, but it doesn't get into any of this. any help steering me to some help would be greatly appreciated..

deluxe40    -- 07-27-2018 @ 10:30 AM
  If by "49-51 restorers guide" you mean "The 1949-50-51 Ford Book" offered by the club, I think you might need to take a closer look. Most of the topics you list are covered in the text (e.g., the bottom of the body was often left in primer, the wheels are body color on the outside and black on the inside, etc.). The paint suppliers who advertise in the V-8 Times have web pages that provide a lot of information. The book, "Ford's Golden Fifties" by Lorin Sorensen provides many pictures that are helpful. There is, however, no substitute for going to the shows and looking at the Rouge cars on display. If you have specific questions, post them and we will try to find a reference or a picture to guide you. I'll attach a couple of pictures that I believe are in the public domain (i.e., I didn't take them from the books.)

This message was edited by deluxe40 on 7-27-18 @ 7:27 PM

deluxe40    -- 07-27-2018 @ 10:43 AM
  From the picture in my previous post you can see: 1) bodies were painted separately from the chassis, 2) the early (pre Oct '48) '49 engines were painted blue before they were assembled, 3) the firewalls were body color, 4) many of the fasteners on the firewall were cadmium plated, 5) the exhaust manifolds were already rusty (I'll have this picture with me to show the judges who dinged me a point for rusty manifolds at the last meet;-)

Here is another '49 picture showing details of the engine and transmission:

JohnA    -- 07-27-2018 @ 10:47 AM
  nice pictures.Johna

giles    -- 07-28-2018 @ 1:22 PM
  great pics! I love those assy plant pics, they're priceless! thanks for the info, ill need to do a bit of digging to find the correct info. you had mentioned the blue on the engine, my understanding is that it was to be the bronze, Hawaiian bronze? the engine came to me rebuilt and painted, but I found a few traces of blue on the bell housing and cover plate. is the blue correct?

deluxe40    -- 07-28-2018 @ 7:40 PM
  The '49 Fords were introduced in early June of 1948. From then until October of '48 the engines were blue and were painted before they were assembled. After that I believe the engines remained blue until late in the model year but they were painted after assembly. The latest '49 engines were bronze and were painted after assembly. I have seen several shades of bronze used, most of them not as dark as the Hawaiian Bronze exterior color offered in '50 and '51. You can tell from the color factory photo that Ford was of two minds on this. The picture is likely from early in the model year. The head bolts are black indicating the engine was painted before assembly. Yet, the thermostat housings on the heads are bronze suggesting that was a plan from early on. Ford probably wanted to use up the blue paint before switching. I'll attach a picture of a '51 engine that didn't get any deductions for the bronze color.

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