Topic: IT Help

LarryK    -- 07-23-2018 @ 7:43 AM
  Do we have a webmaster or someone who can provide assistance with Forum IT issues? Recently I tried to respond to a post and repeatedly got the message that I had to be logged in even though I was logged in at the time. I tried emailing Contact Us but got no response. Also, I have noticed that some responses to a posting are repeated multiple times. Is it us or the software?


supereal    -- 07-23-2018 @ 8:22 AM
  Us. Double check spelling. Even if you are already logged in, do it again. Check computer to be sure you accept cookies.

efv8CofAAdmin    -- 07-23-2018 @ 9:17 AM
Yes, there have been a large amount of multiple messages recently. I am having the web hosting company look into it. As for a question from you to me, I have not seen one as of this morning prior to 6:30 am central time.
I do answer all questions or direct them to the proper person to answer.
Supereal is correct, the site will log you off -- even if it says you are logged in up in the right hand corner. Always hit enter before doing anything -- that way you can be sure if the site has logged you off for being inactive for a long period of time.
Hey, it even happens to me, as web administrator.

Web Administrator

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