Topic: Rdiator cap

silverchief    -- 05-08-2010 @ 2:22 PM
  On any old car - what problems if any might be expected
from using a 7 lb radiator cap, when the owner's manual
calls for a cap with 17 lbs pressure.

Thanks in advance.

ford38v8    -- 05-08-2010 @ 4:43 PM
  Chief, none of our old Fords take a cap of more than 4 lbs, or the tanks may rupture. If your car manual specifies 17 lbs, you would likely lose a considerable amount of coolant with a weaker cap.


supereal    -- 05-08-2010 @ 5:15 PM
  I've never seen an owner's manual for anything that called for a 17 pound radiator cap. Even 7 pounds is pushing it a bit. 4 pounds is usual. At 17 pounds, I would expect one or both radiator tanks to pop. While a pressure cap does raise the boiling point of the coolant, and can help contain overflow, it is no substitute for a system in good condition.

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