Topic: We have a new president

FrankM-RG5    -- 06-24-2018 @ 10:43 PM
  I'm expecting an official explanation in the near future.

VT/JeffH    -- 06-30-2018 @ 10:10 AM
  And a new VP, updated on the website today...


MG    -- 06-30-2018 @ 11:11 AM
  So what's the story???

VT/JeffH    -- 06-30-2018 @ 3:34 PM
  FrankM-RG5 said it well, it would be for the Club executives to comment and they should be given the courtesy of the time and space to form a thoughtful message.

But from the recent changes to this website's Staff Roster, it seems there was a vacancy that was filled.

July/August is the next V-8 Times.

I hope these messages do not stir things up here on the forum, and in the membership. But I will be opening that issue as soon as it arrives.


MG    -- 06-30-2018 @ 4:15 PM
  VT/JeffH > Seems like you and FrankM-RG5 want to "stir things up here on the forum" with your vague posts. Why even start a thread as veiled as this unless you have an agenda of some kind? I hope this thread is deleted....

FrankM-RG5    -- 07-01-2018 @ 12:39 PM
  I was informed that there was a meeting to accept statements as written. My guess is there was some discussion and some editing to be done. Holiday and all we will see something soon. They want to be sure to get this right with no misunderstanding. Well...I do not know that for a fact but all considered that's probably a good guess.

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