Topic: Buying Parts

51f1    -- 06-18-2018 @ 4:02 PM
  I have an offer to sell me parts if I send a $200 Moneygram. I don't know the guy and I am wary. What do y'all think?



len47merc    -- 06-18-2018 @ 4:34 PM
  Trust your instincts.


pinnsky    -- 06-18-2018 @ 4:34 PM
  Sounds phony to me. I think you would be kissing your money goodbye.

trjford8    -- 06-18-2018 @ 5:26 PM
  Sounds like a scam. Ask the guy if he is an Early Ford V-8 Club member and ask for his phone#. Tell him you want to look him up in the club roster. If you posted a want ad on this site there are scammers roaming this site and others all the time. The word moneygram is the first big tip off.

1940 Tom    -- 06-18-2018 @ 7:58 PM
  Avoid this guy like The Plague!!

CharlieStephens    -- 06-18-2018 @ 9:25 PM
  How did the parts look in the pictures he sent you? I assume you asked for pictures.

Charlie Stephens

sarahcecelia    -- 06-19-2018 @ 6:31 AM
  It's crooked like the emails to send money to a bank overseas to share in a lot of money. Don't send a plug nickel to this guy!!

Regards, Steve Lee

hupdoc    -- 06-19-2018 @ 7:14 PM
  I have done precisely that and the parts arrived with no problems BUT I would never do it again . I think I was the lucky 1 in 100 that was dealing with a genuine seller . I only did it because the parts were incredibly rare and I had photos of the parts ( I figured with such rare parts no scammer would be able to find photos of them to pass off as their own )

I would ask where the parts are located and then tell the seller that you have a friend locally who will pick up the parts and pay for them - I suspect you will never hear from them again- a genuine seller won't mind you being cautious a scammer will delay, become abusive or just disappear -Karl

This message was edited by hupdoc on 6-19-18 @ 7:16 PM

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