Topic: Iron Mountain Book

woodiewagon46    -- 05-15-2018 @ 8:19 AM
  I just received a book called "Iron Mountain Ford Motor Company Plant, Kingsford, Michigan, 1920-1951". It is available from the Menominee Range Historical Foundation, P.O. Box 237, Iron Mountain, MI, 49801. It's $15 plus $5.00 for shipping and handling. A lot of facts regarding the Ford enterprises in Iron Mountain. Not only Woodie info, but other Ford facts.

nelsb01    -- 05-15-2018 @ 3:13 PM
  Thanks for the heads up.
Got lots of the old Ford Iron Mountain postcards in my collection, the book should fill some gaps.

woodiewagon46    -- 05-16-2018 @ 7:10 AM
  What a detailed book. It starts with how Ford acquired the property and who he purchased it from, to the names of the workers in the plant cafeteria!

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