Topic: V8 Times Index inaccessible

Grant    -- 05-11-2018 @ 5:21 AM
  Yesterday and this morning I've tried to open and look at the computerized version of the club's V8 Times index.

It doesn't work for me. Maybe because it's in a format called PDF? I suspect that's the case because of problems in the past with not being able to get other PDF documents (e.g. National Meet application forms).

What I'd like to look up is Dan Krehbiel's articles about Columbia rear ends. It seems to me that they were co-authored with someone else, and appeared in four consecutive issues about 15 or 20 years ago.

Could someone please take a stab at using the index on their computer, and then let me know if they can identify which old V8 Times the Columbia series appeared in?

Thanks very much.

efv8CofAAdmin    -- 05-11-2018 @ 5:58 AM
The Index is a pdf file and should be available to any user that has Microsoft as the operating software.
Here are the topics with regard to Columbia Overdrive

Columbia 2-Speed Historical Notes About 92-MAY/JUN-50
Columbia Artifacts 01-NOV/DEC-52
Columbia Available on 6-Cylinder (1941) 79-NOV/DEC-36
Columbia Axle 76-MAY/JUN-13
Columbia Axle (1939 Mercury) 88-MAY/JUN-46
Columbia Axle controls and Repair 93-JLY/AUG-07
Columbia Axle controls for 83-JLY/AUG-06
Columbia Axle Details 88-JLY/AUG-64
Columbia Axle Details 88-NOV/DEC-03
Columbia Axle for a (1938 Woodie) 93-SEP/OCT-69
Columbia Axle on (1937) 81-JLY/AUG-60
Columbia Axles for Post-War 6-Cylinders 96-JLY/AUG-18
Columbia Do-it-yourself Install 01-NOV/DEC-17
Columbia Early Rear Axle 90-JAN/FEB-51
Columbia Information 80-NOV/DEC-43
Columbia Install Instructions. (‘33-’34) 76-MAY/JUN-07
Columbia Keeping Columbia Alive 06-NOV/DEC-55
Columbia Problems - Shifting & Speedo 92-MAR/APR-69
Columbia Rear Axle control (1936) 90-MAY/JUN-61
Columbia Rear Axle Problems (1948) 86-MAR/APR-66
Columbia Rear Axle Pull Cables (‘37-‘41) 89-NOV/DEC-61
Columbia Rear Axle Questions 91-SEP/OCT-02
Columbia Rear Axle Questions (1941) 90-SEP/OCT-64
Columbia Rear Axles 94-JLY/AUG-24
Columbia Rear Axles 94-MAR/APR-40
Columbia Rear Axles 94-MAY/JUN-20
Columbia Rear Axles 94-SEP/OCT-38
Columbia rear end 14-JAN/FEB-17
Columbia Rear-end Wiring Source 78-SEP/OCT-48
Columbia Rebuild 04-MAR/APR-63

Web Administrator

4dFordSC    -- 05-11-2018 @ 6:18 AM
  <<The Index is a pdf file and should be available to any user that has Microsoft as the operating software.>>

It works on Mac, too.

efv8CofAAdmin    -- 05-11-2018 @ 6:43 AM
  Yes, you are correct. I forgot about the other operating software that has less attacks on it than Microsoft. (ie you don't have to run more than one security software package to be safe)

Web Administrator

Grant    -- 05-11-2018 @ 7:49 AM
  Thank you for helping. Much appreciated.

The Columbia articles shown in your list from 1994 are the correct ones (March/April, May/June, July/August and September/October).

I've pulled those out from our flathead library. The co-author with Dan Krehbiel was Joe Rosenthal.

The four chapters will now be photocopied and passed on to a member in New England who would like to have them as a guide for working on his '46.

With respect to the computerized index, the problem here is probably either my techno-peasant skill level or an antiquated HP Compaq set-up. Or perhaps both.

46coupe    -- 05-14-2018 @ 4:04 AM
  Got the index opened. Where's the flat head library? Have I missed a link to go to? Thanks for any help

JT Ford    -- 05-15-2018 @ 7:10 AM
  I can open the index but then what? How do I get to the articles.??

efv8CofAAdmin    -- 05-15-2018 @ 2:15 PM
  Once you open the V-8 TIMES Index-- that is what it is -- an Index of articles that have been in the V-8 TIMES over the years. The Index allows you to go back into your trove of back issues and find articles and technical hints. And, if you don't have the issue that you are looking for, it maybe available from the Online Accessories Store.

So, that makes me want to ask the question -- "Who reads the V-8 TIMES?"
Because if you have, then you have read in a recent issue that the Club will soon have a flash drive available for sale with all the V-8 TIMES on it. It will be like having the first issue up to the early 2000's on your PC.

As they say..........Watch for it!

Web Administrator

46coupe    -- 05-16-2018 @ 5:12 AM
  Thanks for clearing up the question. I read about the flash drive and look forward to getting it. Being a member for about 3 years, I don't have access to old copies of the Times and assume the flash drive will have the articles we are looking for. Is that a correct assumption?

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