Topic: electric fuel pump

dandy32    -- 04-29-2018 @ 4:09 AM
  what kind of electric fuel pump are you guys running ( anybody have knowledge of the newer K&N pumps ) they have one that puts out 1-4 psi and 25gph this is for A 2 stromberg 97's setup

len47merc    -- 04-29-2018 @ 2:54 PM
  Respectfully submitted, why even consider it? They're Band-Aids at best IMHO. Go through the complete fuel delivery system and ensure it is in peak operating condition and you'll find no need for an efp. Search this Forum and you'll find volumes of info on this.


Greg58    -- 04-29-2018 @ 4:14 PM
  I installed a electric pump on my 50 about a month ago, I mounted it right at the tank. Mine is in line with the stock pump and helps on hot starts. The one I'm using looks like a fuel filter and will flow through when not on. I was having fuel bleeding back to the tank , the check valve in the pump solved the problem. I turn the electric on for a few seconds then start the engine, I don't run the electric all the time. Mine too is a 4psi max, the needle and seat will hold the pressure and the pump turns off.


Greg58    -- 04-29-2018 @ 4:23 PM
  I installed the electric pump as a back up to the mechanical pump, after the third pump in the last 15 years and the wrecker bill on the last pump fail it is a low cost addition.


dandy32    -- 04-29-2018 @ 5:05 PM
  The reason I want to use an electric pump is iam building A car from scratch and I dont have anything for the whole fuel system its A hopped up 53 mercury and thought an electric would help with more room around the carburetors and maybe A vapor lock problem from happining

len47merc    -- 04-29-2018 @ 6:49 PM
  Got it. Didn't think about a hopped-up custom - mind's always around stock/original. Someone on here can likely help. Unfortunately above my pay grade.


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