Topic: Transverse Spring Spreader

51woodie    -- 04-05-2018 @ 5:22 PM
  Some of the posts reference using a spring spreader to remove or do maintenance on pre '49 springs. I have some bushings to change on my '46, and as there are no truck shops in my area, I would like to build one. Does anyone have a drawing to build one or reference pictures I could use to work with?

CharlieStephens    -- 04-05-2018 @ 6:37 PM
  If you include your general location in your profile someone nearby might have one you could look and copy at or borrow. Maybe a local club (including Model A's) might have one to loan or rent.

Charlire Stephens

This message was edited by CharlieStephens on 4-5-18 @ 6:39 PM

TomO    -- 04-06-2018 @ 7:38 AM
  Here is a topic on building a spring spreader. The photos are lost, but maybe someone can post photos of the one that they built.

You can also use a Port a Power with wedge ends to spread the spring. If you do not own one, they can be rented.


This message was edited by TomO on 4-8-18 @ 7:53 AM

FordFreak    -- 04-06-2018 @ 8:49 AM
  There was a thread on on how to make one . Very , very simple to make ! Just do a search for " spring spreader ".

whizzerbug    -- 04-07-2018 @ 10:42 AM
  I have removed and replaced several springs on 1940 1941 1947 fords never used a spreader earlier cars need a spreader im told

42wagon    -- 04-07-2018 @ 2:02 PM
  Well Wizzerbug tell us how you did it because I've always used a spreader on cars from the 40s and don't know any other way.

supereal    -- 04-08-2018 @ 1:51 PM
  The shackle bars can be removed by placing a floor jack under the end of the spring and raising it until the tension is removed, then lowering the jack. For safety, place jacks under the frame during the process. When I was woking for a Ford dealer years ago, we user a steel bar with flattened ends placed at the ends of the spring, then hoisted the vehicle until the bar carried the spring tension. Springs contain considerable tension when a spreader or Port-A-Power is used, so be very careful as you replace the shackle bushings.

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