Topic: Spam/crooks on site.

tex42    -- 02-23-2018 @ 6:14 AM
  Several times I have advertised for parts wanted and every time I get people trying to rip me off. It seems to me like the classified sections should be for members only and you should have a pass word to get in. I don't want to send anyone money for a part I am looking for because I'm unsure if I will ever see the part.
My thoughts, WDS

efv8CofAAdmin    -- 02-23-2018 @ 7:12 AM
  I certainly agree with you.
If someone can come up with a way of stopping them -- I would certainly listen.
You do have to create a UserID and password to create a classified ad. So, that won't stop them.
There are a couple of points to think about when dealing with sellers and buyers using classified ads.
While there are certainly more good sellers/buyers than bad, here are a couple of things to think about.
1) If the deal is too good to be true -- it usually is.
2) If the seller/buyer only wants to communicate via email, that could mean that they are not in a country you recognize.
3) If the seller/buyer wants to send you more money than you are asking for, asking you to return the extra, there really is something wrong.
4) If the seller/buyer wants you to wire the money to someone other than who you are communicating with, there maybe something wrong.

These are the first things to think about when dealing electronically with a seller/buyer. There are probably more, but these should send a signal that something is not right.

Web Administrator

CharlieStephens    -- 02-23-2018 @ 8:04 AM
  I like to see it easy to place or respond to an ad, that will encourage as many as possible to be placed. In addition to the second post I check how many posts the person has and their content. A scammer lacks the time and knowledge too make 50 fake posts. Once he scams someone his name should get posted and he would have to start all over building his fake profile.

Charlie Stephens

woodiewagon46    -- 02-23-2018 @ 8:08 AM
  I think that at the very least, if a member tries to steal from another member, they should loose their right to access this site and perhaps loose their membership in the V-8 Club.

tex42    -- 02-23-2018 @ 8:40 AM
  The problem is than any Tom can look at the wanted site and respond, I have had 3 fake responses to my wanted post so far. I would suggest only members using their member number could go to the classified section.

ford38v8    -- 02-23-2018 @ 10:29 AM
  The more that is done to shelter us from harm, the less capable we become to fend for ourselves.
We have become a society dependent upon paternalism, devoid of independent survival skills.


Yokomo99    -- 02-23-2018 @ 12:33 PM
  Ford 38v8
I sense a kindred spirit. I could not have said it better.


Be sure to check out my YouTube pages at:

MG    -- 02-23-2018 @ 1:12 PM
  Addressing a problem on this forum that can be managed/fixed on this forum is a way of "fending" for ourselves. If something can be improved it should be pursued. If something is broke you usually try to fix it. I like the 'fix' tex42 has suggested. It has nothing to do with "paternalism"....

ford38v8    -- 02-23-2018 @ 1:54 PM
  Oh-oh. I hit a nerve!


JM    -- 02-23-2018 @ 8:50 PM
  I've had three scammers contact me on a wanted ad I placed here a couple weeks ago. It may be the fact that my email address is shown in the ad and anyone visiting the site can probably see that address. I can spot them immediately the way the message is written. If it's a want ad they always say they have the part but cannot send a picture. I sometimes play them along asking for their exact address, phone number, etc., but they never send that information. I don't send money to anyone until I'm totally convinced they are legit.


TomO    -- 02-24-2018 @ 7:07 AM
  As one of the "Tom"s that visits the Classifieds, I have to agree with Alan.

Bruce works hard to keep the scammers off of the site and the present procedures work very well. Every procedure that allows the access to the site, will also let in some scammers. Whenever you do business, you have to find out who you are doing business with and learn from your mistakes.

There are many good tips to help you find the scammers, use them and your chances of losing parts or money will be decreased.


supereal    -- 02-24-2018 @ 12:21 PM
  I certainly agree regarding scammers. My phone system is able to block unwanted calls, and picked up two dozen last week alone. Now, they "spoof" local numbers, or any numbers they choose, to mask the true origin. Too bad the government's efforts to register and block these calls was completely useless. Don't rely on the caller ID to know where the calls originate

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