Topic: 36 brake rods

old1936ford    -- 04-27-2010 @ 8:11 PM
  While working under my 36 fordoor I decided to remove the brake rods to paint them. Also obtained new clevis pins. The trany is being worked on so everything is easy to reach. I have Brake engergizers installed. What is the best way to adjust the rods & brakes?

Thanks in advance.


supereal    -- 04-28-2010 @ 7:23 AM
  Before you begin, replace any worn parts, such as the clevises, so your new pins have little or no play. Inspect the wedges and tracks for wear and repair, or replace any that are visibly in poor condition. Be sure that the bushings on the cross shaft are not sloppy. Back off the adjusters on the backing plates as far as you can. Pin the brake pedal down about half way, then with all wheels off the ground, adjust the rod clevises until the shoes just contact the drums, then secure the clevises with their lock nuts. Release the brake pedal, and, using the adjusters on the backing plate, turn them one by one until you just get light contact, no more. If done correctly, you should be able to slide all four wheels in a panic stop. Afterward, never try to adjust the brakes by using the rod clevises. Only the backing plate adjusters should be used, or the system will be out of balance. The best mechanical brakes use a woven lining, as most solid linings are too hard.

Danny/Texas    -- 04-29-2010 @ 1:25 PM
  Do I use the 1st part of this discussion to adjust original brakes. All new parts and getting ready to start adjustment.

supereal    -- 04-29-2010 @ 3:26 PM
  Advice applies to both. The most important part of the whole procedure is to get the brake rods synchronized first. Otherwise, the wedge adjusters on the backing plates will not move equally. Well adjusted mechanical brakes should be able to lock the wheels and not pull to either side. Old Henry used to brag about "all steel, wheel to wheel" until GM and Mopar trumped him with "juice" brakes after the problems with cable brakes in '37-'38, and forced him to hydraulics.

old1936ford    -- 04-29-2010 @ 6:38 PM
  Thanks, I will follow your advice. I did get some new parts from Baxter Ford. My arm that the rod attaches to was cracked & they had one along with the bushings.

Thanks Again,


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