Topic: Body Shimming/Door Alignment

35Phaeton    -- 04-21-2010 @ 6:26 PM
  Does anyone know of any written instructions or other source or proceedure or sequence as how to shim the body/frame as to acheive door alignment...four doors on the phaeton.

Thank you, Jim

supereal    -- 04-22-2010 @ 7:32 AM
  Jim: Getting the body shimmed to allow all the doors to fit is a time consuming, frustrating job, as any change moves everything. After loosening the body to frame bolts, we use the common wooden door shims available at most home centers. They have a gentle taper, and can be doubled, if necessary. Begin with the cowl, and get the angle set so the front doors line up. Then proceed toward the rear of the car and shim until the back doors fit. Most, if not all, old cars have some frame "rack" developed over the years, making the job even more "interesting". If the body was removed from the frame during restoration, you may need to have a body shop do some careful bending. It took weeks to get my '47 convertible shimmed and, even then, it took a shim behind one door strike to make it always latch.

TomO    -- 04-22-2010 @ 8:24 AM

Here is an E-bay item that says it covers cars from 1935-1940. Item # 370368843687


trjford8    -- 04-22-2010 @ 5:54 PM
  If you go to your local Harbor Freight store you can find front end shims. They sell a large plastic box with various thicknesses of front end shims. I used front end shims on a couple of cars.

35Phaeton    -- 04-24-2010 @ 6:09 AM
  Thanks for each of your inputs...I am greatfull for the starting point as Supereal suggests...start at the cowl and work back.


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