Topic: running rich/hard Starting when hot

Aloha40dad    -- 04-21-2010 @ 12:12 PM
  Thanks again, for the great help on chasing a few bugs away from our '40. With a good quality carb rebuild kit (Charlie Price) and fuel regulator, for now, we're able to drive fairly normal. Fuel pump put out too much pressure on top of things.
Also, a Skip Haney coil did make a big difference in restarting after the engine warmed up.
Currently, we're trying to get the tempurature down a bit more than the 175ish it seems be stuck at.

BrianCT    -- 04-21-2010 @ 12:29 PM
  175 or180 is a good temp for an efficient motor.

Aloha40dad    -- 04-21-2010 @ 12:55 PM
When stopped for any length of time at a stop light or stuck in traffic, the temp wants to climb higher than the 175ish that it seems to have settled on when actually moving.
We have water pumps from Skip Frye, stock 6 bladed fan, original split radiator recored by a good local radiator shop.
Right now, we're looking to get all the deflectors in the grille that need to be there.
Thanks again, for all of the great support.

supereal    -- 04-21-2010 @ 2:29 PM
  For long idling, or heavy traffic, in summer temps, it is usual for the gauge to hit a bit above 200, but it should drop back to 175-185 as soon as you get moving again. It takes a little time to work off the heat soak.

Aloha40dad    -- 04-21-2010 @ 3:23 PM
  Could be we're real close on the temp. by your responses. I'm thinking of putting a pair of mechanical guages in temporarily to monitor things as we go. I'm feeling son Allen can take his girl to their prom this weekend fairly confident in it's reliability.

TomO    -- 04-23-2010 @ 6:45 AM
  It's great to hear your success story. We have been following this story since Allen's first post.

160-180 is a good range for your car. It is warm enough to boil off all of the water generated by combustion and cool enough to prevent boiling the gas.

Along with the Skips water pumps, I would add his pressure relief valve and a 4lb pressure cap for driving. The valve will keep the coolant in the radiator and the pressure cap will allow air back into the radiator when it cools down. With the standard cap and the pressure valve, the upper hoses will collapse when the engine cools down.

I am sure that Allen will be very proud to drive his girlfriend to the prom in such a classy ride.


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