Topic: New 1936 Ford roadster owner - floor question

Concept Cars    -- 10-19-2017 @ 12:18 PM
I'm the proud new owner of a 1936 Ford roadster. The body is very solid, but the floors have rot holes at the rear seams, along the tunnel and behind the front seat. I think I need to have to have the floors replaced. First problem is the only company I've found offering original style floors is Bradley, but I'm not sure they're in business, they don't answer the phone. Next problem, this is a nice fairly original car, loads of patina, I'd rather not remove the body to replace the floors. Is it possible to cut out the original floors and replace them (providing I can find a set) without removing the body?
Somebody's already put patches towards the rear of the floor, but there are still gaping holes, I don't think the patches were very well done.
I'd love to hear from anyone who has addressed this problem with their '36, how they did it and what they suggest. I think removing the body forces me into a full restoration, i.e. might as well do everything once I've gone that far. Part of the charm of this car is its originality. I don't mind a little rust, but not rusted through. Thank you for any help or advice.

trjford8    -- 10-19-2017 @ 4:57 PM
  Actually leaving the car on the frame is the best way to replace the floors. Everything remains in alignment as the body bolts to the frame on the outer sub rails. If the sub rails do not need to be replaced then it should go easily for you.

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