Topic: Tom Johnston

supereal    -- 10-15-2017 @ 12:08 PM
  Has anyone heard from Tom Johnston? He lives in Napa CA
which has been hit by the enormous fires

ford38v8    -- 10-15-2017 @ 12:23 PM
  Bob, as of two days ago, Tom had moved his cars to safety, and was still at home, but conditions change daily.


trjford8    -- 10-15-2017 @ 1:07 PM
  Thanks guys for checking on us. We are fine and Advisory evacuation orders have been lifted for the City of Napa. Some orders are still in force in the County of Napa. Unfortunately some V-8ers in Santa Rosa and one V-8er here(our very good friends) have lost their homes and some lost their cars. Thankfully none were injured or lost their lives. At last count nine V-8ers had lost their homes. It's a sad situation, but everyone is dealing with it and have good attitudes regarding the situation. Most of the fires are partially contained and the threat level is way down. The weather is co-operating and there is no wind and it has been cooling down at night. The emergency responders are doing a fantastic job and we have fire and police personnel from numerous agencies around the state and surrounding states. The big job is yet to come and that is the rebuilding process. It's going to take a long time.

Don Rogers    -- 10-15-2017 @ 9:13 PM
  Tom, Mary and I have been thinking about you and Pam. We hope that you continue to stay safe.

trjford8    -- 10-16-2017 @ 6:39 AM
  Don, thank you for thinking of us. The fires are being contained, the winds have died down and the temperatures are cooling off at night. The good news is we may get some rain on Thursday and Friday. We are hoping the weatherman is correct on that prediction! Pam and I were very lucky , but some of our V-8 friends were not, so we'll be helping them clean up. It's hard to imagine starting over when you are 70+ years old , but they have good attitudes and are already planning on how to get back on their feet. The fire fighters and law enforcement have done amazing jobs here.

41-42fordadvisor    -- 10-16-2017 @ 7:14 AM
  Tom, Marianne and I are glad to hear that you and Pam are safe. We are sorry to hear that some V-8 members have lost there homes and old cars. We have been following the fires on the news, it looks really bad. You two stay safe. Fred &Marianne Killian

supereal    -- 10-18-2017 @ 8:55 AM
  Good news thats Tom, Pam, and Abby are safe.!!

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