37RAGTOPMAN    -- 04-17-2010 @ 10:33 AM
This is the web site, that sells the FLEX lines plus the COPPER WASHERS, that go into the ends of flex line,and fuel pump,
they have fuel pump and carb parts among outer antique car parts,
This might be a great help in solving many of your problems,tells how to slove some of your problems
BESURE to put into your favorites, so you can ascess the web site , with out any problems
has much usefull INFORMATION,
I have no ties to this business but have used thier parts and had great success ,and was plagued with the no starting after sitting for a few days or weeks,
they solved this old time FORD V8 PROBLEM,

jerry.grayson    -- 04-17-2010 @ 6:52 PM
  37RAGTOPMAN will you explain to me what the copper washers are and where they go?

37RAGTOPMAN    -- 04-18-2010 @ 9:26 AM
one goes in the fuel pump and one goes in the FLEX line,
these make a positive seal,so you do not get any air leaks causing air to get into fuel line,and the fuel pump to loose its prime
you have to remember over the years, the seats in the fuel pump can get worn.and will leak air in,
if cured my hard starting after sitting,
I DREADED this once a year project,
I know raw gas in a engine is not good for them,
did you check out the web sits provided ?
there is also a phone number to call,!!!
hope this helps, 37RAGTOPMAN

jerry.grayson    -- 04-18-2010 @ 11:12 AM
I have been making and selling copper coated steel fuel lines for 30 years and have never seen a seat in a fuel pump that was damaged so that a new ferrule and correct Ford nut would not seat. Also I have never had a flex line not seat in the pump. All this is news to me.

37RAGTOPMAN    -- 04-18-2010 @ 11:56 AM
  Jerry G
all I know, these cured my problems of hard starting,after sitting,
I bought the line and the washers and installed at one time,
I urge you to check the web site out, it might be interesting,
there is a part that describes this air leakage problem,
my 3 cents worth,,,37RAGTOPMAN,

This message was edited by 37RAGTOPMAN on 4-18-10 @ 11:58 AM

TomO    -- 04-19-2010 @ 7:09 AM
  37ragtopman, please indicate the paragraph that mentions these washers. I have read the information a couple of times and could not find the referance.


37 Coupe    -- 04-19-2010 @ 7:52 AM
  Same here ,I don't see any mention or description of these washers. TomO you mentioned that the new rubber material for bowl gasket is superior to cork or the failure in mine was because of age,this occured on new within 6 months of Napa bought pumps which are made in the USA and manufactured by Airtex. Same as you assumed since they were recent they would be compatible with ethanol,pumps still seem okay so diaprhagm must be okay,,,but developed leakage with bowl rubber gasket,changed to rubber/cork gasket to seal. The original rubber softened and swelled to a bigger diameter and thickness which you would think would seal better,but turned to mush. My experience anyway and most all info I have received from couple fuel pump rebuilders on Fordbarn say to remove and replace with the cork/rubber right out of the box.

37RAGTOPMAN    -- 04-19-2010 @ 4:37 PM
you have to call them,it is not described on the web site,but does mention the fit between the fitting being a problem,
also ROBERT SHERMAN that makes the new fuel lines mentions this in his ad, in the V8 TIMES, as follows

CHECK VALVE in pump fitting stops fuel drain back and make easier starting, PAGE 18 VOLUME 47 JAN FEB 2010
believe me,,, I bought them and had no problems since,
hope this helps,37RAGTOPMAN
they are about $2.00 each, a cheap price to pay so you do not have to pour raw gas in you engine trying to start in RISKING A FIRE!! plus more, fouled spark plugs, aand they are not cheap,

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