Topic: 1940 Ford distrubuter

Chascwell2    -- 08-22-2017 @ 1:10 PM
  I am rebuilding my 1940 Ford distributor. Where can I find instructions on removing and replacing the front bushing and setting the proper adjustment on the vacuum brake adjusting screw?


supereal    -- 08-22-2017 @ 1:35 PM
  Both bushings are pressed into place. If you have excessive wearing either or both bushings, the distributor shaft should be checked for obvious wear in the bushing contact area. Both bushings should be replaced if either is worn, and if available, the assembled distributor should be run and adjusted on a machine. As for setting the vacuum brake, we do it on our Sun machine with applied vacuum, but start with the adjuster backed up all the way. If no knock is found after running the car on an uphill grade, leave the adjustment there. If you do hear a spark knock, turn the adjuster down until it goes away. The adjustment was designed to run on fuels of various grades, but today's gas usually doesn't require the vacuum brake.

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