Topic: Engine Mount Bolts

billcarry    -- 08-22-2017 @ 8:33 AM
  A few days ago I came across a photo of original and replacement engine mount bolts on this forum. Have spent a lot of time trying to find the photo again with no luck. Can anyone help me?


Bob-93021    -- 08-22-2017 @ 8:47 AM
  There was a detailed discussion of motor mounts and bolts back in Feb. I hope I have captured it here. - Bob

len47merc    -- 08-22-2017 @ 9:36 AM
  That is a good memory Bob, but I'll have to correct it a bit by saying the bonehead who posted that pic - oh wait a minute, that was ME! - intermingled two threads at that time as they were related and the pic I believe billcarry is looking for is found in this related thread that was running at the same time (the pic is on the 2nd page I believe):

Hope this helps.


supereal    -- 08-22-2017 @ 1:47 PM
  If you have the green parts book, look for part number 6047. It is a special shouldered bolt 2 31/32" long, with a cotter pin hole. They are available in motor mount kits. The same bolts were used for all flathead engines. We buy our from C&G, 800/266-0470. There are 10 different kits, ordered by year.

Bob-93021    -- 08-22-2017 @ 2:09 PM
  Steve, That was good discussion on engine mounts and hardware back in Feb. I had forgotten that there were 2 threads running. Thanks for finding the thread with pix of bolts. I actually down loaded them since I understand that pix are deleted after a year or so?? Hope the additional link helps Bill out.
Had to take a detour and help a friend get his car on the road. I will be back on the 47 soon and will have a bunch of questions for the experts here - Bob

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