Topic: hinge pin removal

t35    -- 04-16-2010 @ 3:24 AM
  after 2 years of trying to loosen door hinge pins, using different tools, including hinge pin tool in v8 catalogs, i was ready to give up until my friend suggested that we chizle off the top cap, drill a small center hole in the top of the pin and drive it downward.
we did that and the 1st one took about 15 minutes, the 2nd one drove out clean in 5 minutes.
i can now buy my hinge pin mirrors i've been waiting so long to do.
thought i'd share this info for anyone with the same frustrations.

pfrancis    -- 05-05-2010 @ 9:37 PM
  t35--that was a great idea. I had about given up ever getting my pins out until I tried your way. Only thing I did differently was that I ground the head off.

51f1    -- 05-07-2010 @ 1:00 PM
  Be sure the hinge pins that come with your mirrors are the right diameter. I purchased a hinge pin mirror for my '51 truck. It was a Carpenter reproduction made in India. It is a nice mirror, but the pins that came with it could not be installed until I ground down their too large diameter. Additional pins I bought were just like those that came with the mirror and were also too large. All of this when I was trying to be careful and not mess-up my paint!


watwasithinking    -- 05-12-2010 @ 6:19 PM
  t35...I would like to nominate your solution for removing door hinge pins as the "best post" I've read here on the Forum. I used your information and in less than one hour removed the top pins on my '36 coupe and installed a pair of mirrors.

I also ground the heads off of the pins as suggested by pfrancis, drilled an 1/8" hole followed with a 1/4" hole...then took an 8 lb. machinist's hammer and drift and drove the pin shafts out. The left door took 21 minutes and the right door 28 minutes.

I would like to add a suggestion to ease in the re-installation of your replacement pin. Before you remove the pin, take 3/4"- 1" masking tape and run the tape on the vertical door seams and bridge the body and door with the tape. This will keep the door from shifting and prevent the hinge hole alignment from changing. If the hole alignment changes the least little bit you will now need a third hand to hold the door hinge in alignment. Use the tape and you will prevent this from happening.

Thanks again t35,


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