Topic: March-April V-8 TIMES

v8teditor    -- 04-13-2010 @ 1:09 PM
  The March/April V-8 TIMES, 2010 Membership Roster, Membership Card/FREE Classified Ad coupon (On the mailing labet sheet - don't throw it away!) is in the mail! All domestic magazines were mailed on April 9. ALL foreign magazines were mailed on April 12. They should be in your mailbox as early as this week. The magazine was done a week or so ago, but since the Roster mails WITH the magazine, Roster production delayed the mailing. Enjoy!

Kens 36    -- 04-13-2010 @ 2:18 PM
  Thanks Jerry! I'm going out now to stand by the mailbox.


47Fordor    -- 04-14-2010 @ 3:18 AM
  Is "waiting by the mailbox for my V8 Times" considered a legitimate excuse to call in sick for work?


nelsb01    -- 04-14-2010 @ 4:27 AM
  It is if you consider your vehicle one of the family. Do you spend as much on gas as you do food? Do you spend as much on repairs as you do on medical? Do you spend as much time with it as you do your wife or children?
If you answer yes to any of these questions, you can call in sick.

Kenneth M.    -- 04-14-2010 @ 6:43 AM
  I got mine yesterday in the mail. Been reading it last night and at breakfest so far today.

Stroker    -- 04-14-2010 @ 5:24 PM
  Thank You Jerry for another "keeper". It made it to Iowa this AM, and while I have skimmed-it, I expect to devour-it in the next few days. You don't get enough credit for what you do!


supereal    -- 04-15-2010 @ 8:22 AM
  While we are celebrating the '35 Fords, Let's not forget the late Dale Sandman who, for years, was a fountain of information regarding that year.

DJACK    -- 04-15-2010 @ 8:35 PM
  I became a member middle to late March will I get the March-April V-8 Times.


nelsb01    -- 04-16-2010 @ 4:53 AM
  You can answer that question by calling the membership company -- Cornerstone (866-427-7583 US only) and ask.
Remember -- if no answer leave a message with your phone number and they will call you back.

trjford8    -- 04-16-2010 @ 9:10 PM
  DJACK, you usually get the latest issue and the roster when you join. You should receive the March-April issue.

35ford    -- 04-17-2010 @ 9:39 AM
  I received my copy in Ma. Friday 16th. Another great V 8 Times. Thanks Jerry

42wagon    -- 04-19-2010 @ 5:52 PM
  For those that keep track of such things my March/ April issue arrived in the hills of rural Connecticut today April 19th. Great issue as always just have to find time to read it.

Kens 36    -- 04-19-2010 @ 7:30 PM
  Received mine today as well. Great job, Jerry!


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