Topic: Put window back in 40 ford convertible door

Mace    -- 05-19-2017 @ 4:34 PM
  Just replaced glass and am now trying to figure out how to put it back in the door together. I managed somehow with luck to get passenger door and window to work, but can't for the life of me get the drivers door back together. Window keeps racking and cant get the bottom window winders into correct position. Anybody have an idea?

shogun1940    -- 05-19-2017 @ 5:55 PM
  I have put mine in a few times, not easy. Slide the window up to the closed position and hold it up there with a vice grip.. use a rag to protect the the glass and the door. Then put the regulator in.

kubes40    -- 05-20-2017 @ 7:13 AM
  Shogun has summarized the installation quite well. I have found his method to be about the easiest to utilize. Still, it remains a task requiring patience

Mace    -- 05-21-2017 @ 1:48 PM
  Thanks for the help. Worked well. I'm handlcapped now and my wife is doing most of the putting back together of my 40 ford convertible. We finally finished installing all new glass with two mishaps. Cracked the passenger side windshield and dropped vent window on concrete floor. But she determined and I know she'll get it done. She follows direction pretty good.

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