Topic: Speedometer Removal

Steves46    -- 04-09-2010 @ 7:42 AM
  Well after changing and lubing cables, I am still getting pretty good bouncing and occasional noise from the speedometer on my 46 Coupe so before I burn a hole in my wallet and send it off for a rebuild, I thought I would relube the wick and see if that makes a difference. It's pretty tight inside the dash cluster and I can see the nuts that hold the speedometer however my question is that does the speedometer come out from the back or the front? Thanks.

TomO    -- 04-09-2010 @ 7:48 AM
  The speedometer comes out from the back. I'm not sure about a 46, but in the earlier cars, it is easier to first remove the gauge cluster.


37RAGTOPMAN    -- 04-09-2010 @ 7:57 AM
I would assume it comes out of the front,it should have a few brackets holding it in from the back,
use a mirror and a good light under the dash to check it out.
I would also take the speedocable out of the car, hang up in your garage and lube it standing up and let the lube trickle down the assembly,
you also made be able to remove the inner cable and examine for rust,
you can use REMOIL, this is a very slick GUN OIL made by REMINGTON, in hunting fishing sports stores,
and has TEFLON in it, great stuff,
will not bind the cable or gears,
do not use grease or heavy oil, especially if you use the car in cold weather,
you might be able to pull the speedo out far enough for a lube,and examination, be carefull with the wiring,and disconnect the battery FIRST,!!!!
hope this helps good luck 37RAGTOPMAN

supereal    -- 04-09-2010 @ 10:05 AM
  The speedometer is removed from the back of the dash. There is no need to remove the dash, as that is a big project. The usual reason for an erratic speedometer is the worn "bushing" on the rear of the case that allows the magnetic disks to fluctuate. In fact, there is no actual bushing, as the diecast body is used. The "fix" is to send it to a good shop for a rebuild, rather than squirt anything into the works. I've sent them to Bob's Speedometer in Michigan. They will look at it and give you an estimate of repair cost. Their website is Phone: 800/592-9673. They are not cheap, but they are good. The one from my '47 was shot, but they did find me a NOS replacement. Pricey, but beautiful.

Steves46    -- 04-09-2010 @ 11:08 AM
  Thanks Super and others. Eventually that's what I will do. In-fact I just spoke with Bob's Speedometer (very nice fellow I might add) and I'm probably looking at $250 to $350. In the meantime, I'll rely on my Westach 6 volt Tach to give me a ballpark how fast I'm traveling; before the speedo starting acting-up, 55 mph showed about 2100 rpms.

supereal    -- 04-09-2010 @ 11:26 AM
  That's probably less than I expected. The estimate for a rebuild and refacing of my unit was $500. I opted for a NOS replacement, $900. Nothin' good comes easy!

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