Topic: Crankshaft Bearing Caps

coupeman    -- 04-07-2010 @ 8:55 PM
  I am now at a point in my teardown where I need to remove the crankshaft bearing caps for inspection. The procedure outlined in "REPAIR MANUAL" for 1937 to 1948 pass. cars specifies using a screwdriver between the cylinder block and a boss that does not exist on my caps, they are flush with the block with no provisions for a screwdriver to do any prying for release. I don't want to break anything by pounding on them, whats the right and safe way to do this procedure.
Many thanks from a newcomer.

51f1    -- 04-07-2010 @ 11:11 PM
  I've read that too, but I would never pry bearing caps unless there is some feature on earlier caps that I am not aware of. You can score the mating surfaces. Gently tap the sides with a small hammer as you pull down on the caps, after you remove the nuts, of course. A plastic hammer is best, but a metal hammer will work fine if you don't get too rambunctious. Be sure to mark the caps if they are not already marked so you can put them back in their original positions. Otherwise you will have to get the block align bored. You can avoid that if you keep up with where they belong.


carcrazy    -- 04-08-2010 @ 3:31 PM
  Is your engine mounted on an engine stand? If so, you simply need to unscrew all of the crankshaft main bearing cap nuts 3 or 4 threads and rotate the engine over so that the crankshaft is facing toward the floor. The weight of the crankshaft should cause the crank to push the caps away from the block. If not, a few blows with a rubber mallet on the front and rear of the crank in the down direction should loosen the caps without causing any damage. This method worked for me.

37RAGTOPMAN    -- 04-08-2010 @ 5:29 PM
  hi coupeman
before you remove the caps besure to mark them
I use a center punch and leave marks on the cap and the boss on the block, so you do not mix them up,
I also use the same way to mark the rods,
1 punch # 1 rod,, 2 punch #2 rod and so forth, and do all from one side,
hope this helps 37RAGTOPMAN

coupeman    -- 04-08-2010 @ 7:57 PM
  Thanks gents, the engine stand method and marking the caps will work for me.

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