Topic: upholstery

pauljanet    -- 03-16-2017 @ 7:22 AM
  How do I clean water spots off the door liners and headliner of my 35 Ford? Various videos on YouTube recommend a cleaner called LA Awesome. Does this stuff work? If not, how can I remove the stains?

supereal    -- 03-16-2017 @ 12:36 PM
  Old water stains are usually next to impossible to fully remove. Try Woolite on an inconspicuous place to see if it helps. Use just the suds, being careful not to soak the material, and use a soft bristle brush, followed by a soft cloth to remove the excess. If it helps with the door panels, move on to the headliner, being extra careful not to stretch the material. Old fabric is fragile, and any strong detergents can quickly damage. If the headline sags after cleaning, use a hair dryer. If there is any life left in the cloth, it will shrink back as it dries.

TomO    -- 03-17-2017 @ 7:32 AM
  LA Awesome is a general purpose cleaner and works great on cleaning whitewalls. It may work on the door panels, but I think that is too harsh to use on your door panels and headliner if they are the original type wool. I would use Woolite or an upholstery cleaner to remove the dirt and stains and would follow Supereal's instructions.

Like Supereal, I feel that being cautious and working slowly to prevent damage is the best way to go. Try any cleaning product on an inconspicuous spot, like where the back seat covers the material, before going full bore. Make sure you let any test cleaning dry before doing a complete panel. Sometimes drying changes the effect of the cleaning.


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