Topic: 53 flathead

tommyleea    -- 01-10-2017 @ 7:09 PM
  Next step is the oil pan. I am contemplating what to do with the dip stick tube boss. I see it has rivets that hold it to the pan. Do you guys recommend removing the boss, and replacing the gasket, or just let it be?

ken ct.    -- 01-10-2017 @ 11:00 PM
  Is the boss leaking oil ? This is the return port for the return line from the oil filter to the oil pan.If your not going to use a filter your going to have to block it off. Be careful this is an odd ball diam. hole and thread. Best thing to use is a fitting like whats on the end of the oil line. Use a new fitting and solder up the hole in it and it will stop any oil leak there. If you cant find one i'll send you one for the shipping . ken ct. You can use a short bolt with the right thread and plenty of purple lite lok-tite will block it off. I'll get you the bolt +thread pitch tomorrow. make sure its dry and clean in the hole. ken ct.

tommyleea    -- 01-11-2017 @ 5:50 AM
  The pan is still off the engine. I think the dip stick tube screws into this boss on the pan. No other openings on the pan, except the oil drain plug. I don't know if it leaked or not. Thanks for the response.

ken ct.    -- 01-11-2017 @ 6:16 AM
  If there is only 1 threaded hole in the boss then you obviously don't have an oil dump hole there for the filter if it was equipted with one. Unless you can feel it loose I would leave it alone. ken ct. Does the engine have an oil filter setup on it ??? ken ct.

tommyleea    -- 01-11-2017 @ 7:20 AM
  Yes, it does have oil filter canister set up. The boss seems tight. I think I will just leave it, unless you have further direction.

ken ct.    -- 01-11-2017 @ 8:56 AM
  Where does your filter dump is oil back into the pan ,should be the bottom hose or line,Where does it go ??? ken ct. You also must have a .060 " restrictor in the incoming line or hose to the filter. Sometimes its a additional fitting at the filter inlet ? ken ct.

51f1    -- 01-11-2017 @ 1:48 PM
  I think that this answers your question about the dip tube "boss:"

You probably have a leak where the dip stick boss attaches to the oil pan, so I recommend removing the "boss," replacing the gasket (I made a new one. because you can't buy one) and re-attaching the boss. If you cannot find rivets, you can use carriage bolts. If you use bolts, after tightening the bolts, peen the ends.


This message was edited by 51f1 on 1-11-17 @ 2:11 PM

tommyleea    -- 01-11-2017 @ 7:35 PM
  I found the lines that attach to the oil filter can, and I have them both marked as going to the block.

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