Topic: What Can You Tell Me About My Heater and Radio?

47Fordor    -- 10-08-2009 @ 5:10 PM
  I am starting a restoration on a '47 Ford Super Deluxe Eight Fordor, that has been in my family since it was new. Unfortunately, it's also spent almost the entire last fourty years in a barn and is a little the worse for wear.

My Dad has a '48 Convertible and has "known" this car since his grandfather bought it. He assures me that the car is all original.

My dad says that the convertible came with the "Wonder Bar" radio and the bigger heater (3 front doors, centered under the dash) but that the sedan came standard with a smaller heater and a Motorola Radio (see my attached pics).

A while back, I went to a car show and saw a restored '46 Fordor and it had the same heater and radio as the convertible. My question is wheather my radio and heater were an option in the Fordor or is this just an example of Henry going a little cheaper on the '47 than he did on the '46?



BTW: please forgive the mouse nest in the heater. These pics are meant to be my "before" photos. Also, does anybody have any suggestions on cleaning up the outside of the heater? It doesn't appear to be painted and I'd hate to destroy the finish, if I can help it.



trjford8    -- 10-08-2009 @ 8:46 PM
  Chris, your heater was introduced late in the model year of '47. There were three choices of heaters. One was the three door heater such as the one in your father's convertible,one like yours and the third is the "fresh air heater". Any one of these three could have been installed in your Ford.The three door heater is not specific to the convertible.
Regarding the radio I do not find that your radio was a standard Ford unit.My information comes from the V-8 Club's 1941-1948 book and I see no reference to your type of radio. Just because the book does not show the radio does not assure that your radio was not an authorized Ford accessory. During these years Ford made many changes and used accessories in cars and those changes were not always documented. Dealers also substituted accessories just to make and extra buck.
If you are starting a restoration project and do not have the V-8 Club's 41-48 book I would recommned that you buy it.It will be of great help to you. If you are not a V-8 Club member I would also suggest that you consider joining. Six issues of the V-8 Times magazine is well worth the price of admission plus you will get a club roster which will give you names of other V-8ers in your area. Having other V-8ers nearby can be a great help in your project.

donclink    -- 10-09-2009 @ 4:06 AM
  Chris, Tom provided some good information on the heaters. The one pictured is the the second type of 'ice box' offered, and I've actually never seen one, other than in the '41 - '48 book. The 'Fresh Air" type became available in September '47, and I have one on my '47 Tudor. It's a late October build car, and I get a lot of folks arguing that my car is "really a '48".
The Motorola radio is the model FD-6, which was sold as an alternative to the Ford Zenith or Detrola models. I'm not sure whether Ford dealerships could (or would) install them, or if they were only available from aftermarket sources. The radios were dealer installed. The term 'Wonder Bar' actually applied to GM Signal-Seeking radios. These radios would scan for the next station, much like the "Search" function on radios today. The Ford radios bar actuates a solenoid system that ratchets a rotary tuning fixture to the next pre-set station. It's a complicated system, and was replaced by a much simpler push-button design starting in '49.

47Fordor    -- 10-10-2009 @ 6:11 AM
  Thanks guys! That was some good info. I'm sure the dealership installed the radio.

Trjford8 said the heater was introduced late in '47. Do you know just when in '47 that was? Also, how long did they use this heater?

I definitely plan on getting my membership! Of course when it's a choice between club membership and enough gas to get to work and back, I'm afraid the membership loses. I have, however, dropped it hint to my wife that it would be a good idea for a Christmas present.



TomO    -- 10-10-2009 @ 8:12 AM
  Have your wife buy you the 41-48 soft cover book for $34.95 plus s&h. Then join the club without the V-8 Times for $10. This will give you a great reference to use while restoring your car and also give you access to the Club adviser for your car, and members in your area, to answer questions that the book doesn't. When your finances improve, you can upgrade your membership to include the V-8 Times and enjoy one of the best car magazines published.


donclink    -- 10-11-2009 @ 11:47 AM
  Chris, the heater you have pictured was added as an option in late October 1947. The 'Fresh Air' heater was added in mid-September 1947.

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