Topic: 1948 Ford horn wiring

Ritzy1    -- 12-24-2016 @ 4:12 AM
  I am restoring a 1948 Ford tudor sedan and am looking for some help with the horn wiring. When I pulled the horn ring there was no wire attached to it, only a ring end where it should have been. I assume the wire should run down the hollow center of the column, but where does it exit the column and what does it attach to? A picture would be very helpful.

Thanks, Dave

This message was edited by Ritzy1 on 12-28-16 @ 2:53 AM

len47merc    -- 12-24-2016 @ 6:50 AM
  The wire exits the steering column shaft from the bottom-front-left/driver's side of the worm gear case and connects via a bullet connector to the wiring harness just above the driver's side of the frame (see pic). The exit hole is in-line and centered with the steering column/brownish-copper coloring steering column sleeve.


This message was edited by len47merc on 12-24-16 @ 6:58 AM

len47merc    -- 12-24-2016 @ 6:53 AM
  Here's a second pic from a bit further back that shows the wiring harness connection to the horns as well. You may have to open and magnify both pics to clearly see the wire exiting the steering column in an 180 degree 'bend'.

Using a flashlight and a small shop mirror the exit hole for the wire should be visible from above, and is clearly visible from underneath the car with a flashlight only.


This message was edited by len47merc on 12-24-16 @ 6:55 AM

TomO    -- 12-24-2016 @ 7:53 AM
  The horn wiring for the late 47 and 48 cars, with the sea sh*ll horns, is different from Steve's photos. I have attached the drawing from the 39-48 Mercury Chassis parts catalog.

I don't know if the 41-48 book has a better drawing or description, but I would look in there and then contact John McDonald, the 46-48 Adviser if you still have questions. His contact information can be found in the current issue of the V-8 Times.


len47merc    -- 12-24-2016 @ 9:23 AM
  Thanks Tom - I shouldn't have assumed that the late 47's and 48's were the same as my very early 47 and appreciate your correction. When I get back to the house I'll get out my 41 to 48 book and scan the appropriate page and post it here. Appreciate your catch. Guess my enthusiasm to help got the better of me and I should've checked the running changes log before responding. Apologies to Ritzy1 & all.


This message was edited by len47merc on 12-24-16 @ 9:38 AM

len47merc    -- 12-24-2016 @ 10:13 AM
  After reviewing my '41-'48 Ford Book, other than the wiring schematic Figure C-4 on page C-5 no definitive images could be found of the horn wiring for the Later '47's through '48's. Page 5-13 does discuss the running change from the Early Style Projection Horns in the engine compartment on the driver's side inner fender wall (consistent with my '47 in the images above) to the Later Style Sh*ll Type Horns behind the grill in front of the radiator. The Appendix D Evolutionary Changes on page D-4 indicates the Horn Relocation & Assoc Changes were effected in Jul or Aug of '47 as TomO correctly noted. All this said...

The applicable 1947-48 Ford V8 Schematic Wiring Diagram C-4 mentioned above does note and specify the BL-Y (Blue with Yellow Tracer) wire from the Horn Ring Switch to the Horn Relay as 'THIS WIRE THROUGH STEERING POST'. Suggest Ritzy1 use his shop mirror/flashlight combo from above or flashlight from below to find the exit hole for the wire (likely be consistent with mine but cannot state that with complete certainty).

I'll have to depend upon others with the correct working knowledge of the connection to and location of the horn relay for the Later '47's & '48s. Perhaps someone can post good pics of theirs as well.

Best I can do - again, apologies for the earlier posting inaccuracy.


Ritzy1    -- 12-25-2016 @ 3:39 AM
  Very helpful information gentlemen. Thank you! My car only has one horn on the passenger side behind the grill. Perhaps the other was removed along the way.


cliftford    -- 12-25-2016 @ 7:18 AM
  As pointed out, your car should have 2 horns. Each one is tuned to a different tone, so that they harmonize and make a pleasant sound.

Drbrown    -- 12-26-2016 @ 7:18 PM
  My late '47 has two original horns. The wire exiting the bottom of the steering column rises directly up to and connects to the horn relay (via a bullet connector) mounted on the inner driver's side fender panel. The original 6v horn relay also has the two wires from the horns attaching to it with bullet connectors.

supereal    -- 01-02-2017 @ 1:32 PM
  The horn relay, if one is present, "finds" ground via the wire from the horn ring, down the steering shaft, and out the bottom of the box. When we replace this wire, we attach a length of strong plastic fishing line to one end to act as a "pull" when it comes out at the bottom. Then attach the new wire and use the line to get it up the shaft. If your vehicle doesn't use a relay, a small resistor in series with the wire will eliminate the jolt at the horn ring when the horn is used.

Old Henry    -- 01-02-2017 @ 8:25 PM
  The stock wiring from the horn ring down through the steering column to the connection under the car is resistance wire the eliminates the shock from the horn ring. Supereal's resistor does the same thing.

supereal    -- 01-07-2017 @ 1:47 PM
  It is also a good idea to replace the rubber "donut" under the horn ring as they are usually hardened by age. The part number is 11A-3672, about $3 at C&G.

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