Topic: End of wood trim on Country Squire?

40V8Ranger    -- 12-17-2016 @ 4:16 PM
  Does anyone have the definitive answer (with documented sources) to when Ford quit using real wood trim on the Crestline Country Squire?

Some sources indicate that it ended half way through the 1953 year (Pg. 244-245, Famous Ford Woodies by Lorin Sorensen; 2003) ??? Other sources indicate that it ended half way through the 1954 year (Pg. 137, Great American Woodies & Wagons, Donald J Narus; 1977).

Your input is greatly appreciated!


nelsb01    -- 12-17-2016 @ 4:55 PM
  There are a lot of 1952 and 1953 Ford station wagons out there with fiberglass wood trim.
You have to remember that the Iron Mountain Plant that made the wood for Ford and manufactured the true wooden bodies closed in 1951. So, what manufacturer made the wood trim that you are inquiring about? The only part of the plant to continue was the charcoal made by Kingsford. I believe that any wood trim for the years you are asking about was not manufactured by Ford.
I know that a man name Richard Brown purchased of acquired many wooded parts when the plant closed in 1951. Also remaining wood parts were given to laid off workers and too much was burned to heat homes.
I know this does not help answer your questions, but I have not heard of real wood being used past 1951. (of course fake wooden trim has been used by auto manufacturers for years -- most recently with the PT Cruiser)
I do own the Sorensen books.

trjford8    -- 12-18-2016 @ 9:00 AM
  As I recall the Mercury's used a wood outer trim, with decal in the center, in 52 and 53.

woodiewagon46    -- 12-18-2016 @ 10:25 AM
  It could be one of those situations where Ford used up what ever stock they had and depending where the car was built dictated what materials to use. I did read somewhere about that fact that nelsb01 is posting, about giving the employees left over wood. Hard rock maple burns nice.

bigvince    -- 01-09-2017 @ 11:00 AM
  No wood on this one...

trjford8    -- 01-09-2017 @ 12:59 PM
  A follow up to my previous post. Last week I went to Roseville, Ca. to pick up some parts. The person with the parts had a very nice original '53 Merc station wagon. The outside trim surrounding the decal on the sides was in fact real wood trim. I know this doesn't answer the question about the Ford line, but I suspect if Merc had it so did Ford.

SoCalStu    -- 01-11-2017 @ 3:43 PM
  My 53 Ford Woodie had real wood surrounding the di-noc vinyl. It is my understanding that "fiberglass wood" was used mid year 1953.

sq1954    -- 02-27-2017 @ 6:55 AM
  I have my parents 54 squire that they purchased in 56. I was an early 54 and had the wood strips but we switched to fiberglass later when they started to rot. All 54 lititure and parts books call for fiberglass strips. My guess would be that they carried over they wood from 53 on the early 54 then switched to fiberglass. All 52-53 cars were woodstrips. Since 52-54 bodies were all the same; people would take off the rotted wood on the earlier 52-53 squires and install 54 fiberglass strips.

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