Topic: Scam?

flatheadfan    -- 12-01-2016 @ 12:38 PM
  Look this up:

This car was recently listed on eBay for $93K. Location Pacific Grove, CA. A buddy of mine looked it over and said it was beautiful but too rich for his pocket.

Fast forward to today. Suddenly, an ad appears in a different listing with the same pictures and wording as in the eBay ad for only $32,000. And now it is located in Allentown, PA.

Hard to believe or does it have scam written all over it?

woodiewagon46    -- 12-01-2016 @ 12:51 PM
  Perhaps the seller in CA was told that his pride and joy was way overpriced, maybe E-Bay scr*w*d up the pictures and posted the wrong car, but yes, it looks like a scam. If it was me, I would stay away.

40cpe    -- 12-01-2016 @ 2:40 PM
  That car belongs to a FordBarn member user name "Digger". See the thread here

His price is somewhat between the two stated above.

This message was edited by 40cpe on 12-1-16 @ 2:41 PM

mhsprecher    -- 12-01-2016 @ 9:04 PM
  It says it has water in #2 cylinder.

40cpe    -- 12-02-2016 @ 7:15 AM
  That ad offered the car with an engine with water in a cylinder. He has now taken the car off the market to in stall a good 239" engine.

This message was edited by 40cpe on 12-2-16 @ 7:16 AM

supereal    -- 12-14-2016 @ 2:14 PM
  Be extremely careful about buying any vehicle on line. Currently we have a Corvette in our shop that a local man bought online. In the photos is was gorgeous, and actually looks good when actually seen. Unfortunately, it is a real mess where it counts. Last year, we had a beautiful '57 Thunderbird come in that was also purchased that way. It would barely run, as someone had botched "porting" the block and ruined it. Like most, it was bought "as-is" like most of these deals, giving no recourse to the seller. If buying at a distance, spring for a plane ticket to actually look at any vehicle offered online. Certainly better than remorse.

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