Topic: steel engine sleeves

Chascwell2    -- 10-26-2016 @ 11:11 AM
  I know steel engine sleeves were standard on some engines. Some times they were called tin can sleeves or sheet metal sleeves.

Does any one have a real history on what engines they were standard equipment?


TomO    -- 10-29-2016 @ 8:39 AM
  I believe that they were on some 38-40 engines and were not used later.


JTHOMPSON    -- 10-29-2016 @ 12:09 PM
  Had a '40 Std. Coup back in the early-mid 70's that had the thin wall sleeves. Had to change 2 of them. What a pain to get the new ones in!

woodiewagon46    -- 10-29-2016 @ 1:19 PM
  The V-8 Times did an article on the sleeves last year. I don't save my back issues but I'm sure someone can find it for you. It was very informative.

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