Topic: Fan hub lubrication 51 F1

PeterFord    -- 05-11-2012 @ 8:22 PM
  My fan assembly failed today on my 51 F1 truck. I have ordered all new parts. Does anyone know the lubrication process. I know you fill the oil pool thru the little screw. But, does centrifugal force keep the oil from leaking out the spindle opening?


supereal    -- 05-11-2012 @ 8:39 PM
  First, use transmission oil, not motor oil. I know the books and decals call for motor oil, but that is not correct. To fill the hub, add oil thru the filler hole, then before you replace the filler plug, turn the fan until the filler faces down and allow the excess oil to drain. There is no seal in the fan. There is a dipper that picks up the oil and drops it on the spindle. A spiral groove then carries the oil along the spindle until it falls back into the reservoir. There are no bearings in the hub, which depends on the oil film to keep from destructing. I got tired of fixing the hubs and built a ball bearing hub for my car. The original hub is a poor design, in my opinion.

51f1    -- 05-12-2012 @ 5:10 AM
  The fan hub mentioned above has got to be the most Rube Goldberg of all of the Rube Goldberg contraptions on these old trucks (see the parking brake equalizer on an F-1). I cannot imagine why they used such a thing. Sealed ball bearings make so much more sense.

My favorite part of the instructions for adding oil to the fan hub is to "use care not to allow the excess oil to drain on the fan belt." Good luck on that.

My truck is 61 years old and, as far as I know, engine oil has always been used to lubricate the fan hub. The hub shows no signs of wear. I guess any oil will do? And maybe these things work better than a first impression would indicate.


This message was edited by 51f1 on 5-12-12 @ 5:12 AM

PeterFord    -- 05-12-2012 @ 6:34 AM
  excellent responses. I am very grateful.


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