Topic: 37 Pickup VIN

jameson5938    -- 03-30-2011 @ 2:54 PM
  Can anyone tell me what the numbers in my VIN describes?


I assume the 37 is the year, but would like to know what the other numbers mean.


James A. Westbrook

ford38v8    -- 03-30-2011 @ 6:21 PM
  James, Your serial number is a numerical engine/transmission production number. The only descriptive code in your number is the prefix 18, which desgnates a V8 engine. The following number 37 is only coincidental to the year 1937. The serial nuber you have is that of a V8 engine manufactured in the month of March, 1937.

The assembly of your car was some time later, as the engine/transmission assembly number was transferred to the frame of the vehicle it was eventually installed in, anywhere from several days to several weeks or more.

The number on your frame is, or should be, the same as that on your title. If you have the original transmission, that original number can be seen on the bell housing.


jameson5938    -- 03-31-2011 @ 2:12 PM
  Thanks for the info. I talked with another member today who also told me that the 37 in the VIN was not the year - just a coincidence!!! I did check the truck today after learning that and it IS the same number on the truck. Haven't checked the transmission yet!
Thanks again!!!

James A. Westbrook

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